1. THE EFFECTS OF WOODY INVASIVE SPECIES ON LEAF LITTER INPUTS IN A NORTHEASTERN DECIDUOUS FOREST Open Access Author: Hone, Christopher Michael Title: THE EFFECTS OF WOODY INVASIVE SPECIES ON LEAF LITTER INPUTS IN A NORTHEASTERN DECIDUOUS FOREST Area of Honors: Forest Science Keywords: invasive plantsinvasive speciesforestrytreessoilcarbonnitrogengrowing seasonmorphologynative File: Download WINER_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margot Wilkinson Kaye, Thesis SupervisorMargot Wilkinson Kaye, Thesis SupervisorJohn Edward Carlson, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichael Gerard Messina, Faculty Reader
2. The business of forests: How Indonesia's forest certification system, Lembago Ekolabel Indonesia affects forest problems in Indonesia Open Access Author: Mckinley Lester, Darcy Rose Title: The business of forests: How Indonesia's forest certification system, Lembago Ekolabel Indonesia affects forest problems in Indonesia Area of Honors: Forest Science Keywords: forestforestryforest certification File: Download McKinleyLester_Darcy_BusinessofForests.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Gregory Jacobson, Thesis SupervisorJohn Edward Carlson, Thesis Honors Advisor