1. Free Speech in the Post-9/11 Undeclared War Era Open Access Author: Rafferty, Shannon Title: Free Speech in the Post-9/11 Undeclared War Era Area of Honors: History Keywords: free speechundeclared warFirst AmendmentSupreme CourtHolder v. Humanitarian Law ProjectSnyder v. Phelps File: Download Rafferty_Thesis_FINAL2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anne Carver Rose, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael James Milligan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Citizens United: Judicial Rhetoric and Corporate Constitutional Rights Open Access Author: Fleming, Meghan Title: Citizens United: Judicial Rhetoric and Corporate Constitutional Rights Area of Honors: Communication Arts and Sciences Keywords: lawCitizens UnitedcorporationsConstitutionconstitutional lawrhetoricconstitutive rhetoricFirst Amendmentcampaign finance lawjudicial rhetoriccorporate rightsfree speechconstitutional rights File: Download FLEMING_SP21_SHC_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margaret M Michels, Thesis SupervisorMary High, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Sextus, Mill, and Open-Minded Inquiry: Confronting America’s Epistemic Dilemma Open Access Author: Phillips, Madison Title: Sextus, Mill, and Open-Minded Inquiry: Confronting America’s Epistemic Dilemma Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: John Stuart MillSextus Empiricusancient skepticismfree speechpolitical polarizationopen-mindednesscivil deliberationtruthknowledgedissentecho chambersfilter bubblesfreedom of thoughtsocial mediamedia literacyJohn Stuart MillSextus Empiricusancient skepticismfree speechpolitical polarizationopen-mindednesscivil deliberationtruthknowledgedissentecho chambersfilter bubblesmedia literacyInternetnews mediaepistemology File: Download PHILLIPS_FINAL_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Robert Moore, Thesis SupervisorBrady Bowman, Thesis Honors Advisor