1. Facial Emotion Recognition and Social Functioning in Children With and Without Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Open Access Author: Reynolds, Marissa Lynn Title: Facial Emotion Recognition and Social Functioning in Children With and Without Attention Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: ADHDpeersfriendshipssocial functioningsocial competencefacial emotion recognition File: Download Reynolds_Marissa_Facial_Emotion_Recognition.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Cynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Ray, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. A comparison of Facebook friendship quality between college-aged individuals with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Open Access Author: Lebold, Samantha Anne Title: A comparison of Facebook friendship quality between college-aged individuals with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: FacebookfriendshipsASDAutism Spectrum Disordersocial mediafriendship quality File: Download Lebold_Samantha_SHC_Undergraduate_Thesis_Spring_2016.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Erinn Heer Finke, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ingrid Maria Blood, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Subjective Experience of the Female Inmate Open Access Author: Scipioni, Marina Casandra Title: The Subjective Experience of the Female Inmate Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: female inmateperceived severityfamily tiesrelationshipsfriendshipssocial networkssentence lengthqualitativeinterviews File: Download The_Subjective_Experience_of_the_Female_Inmate.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lecinda Marie Yevchak, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor