1. Hearing what you see: Sex differences and correlations between human vocal, facial, and anthropometric traits Open Access Author: Dooling, Sean William Title: Hearing what you see: Sex differences and correlations between human vocal, facial, and anthropometric traits Area of Honors: Biological Anthropolgy Keywords: voicebody sizeanthropometricsfacefundamental frequencyformantsheightweightPCA File: Download DoolingSean_HonorsThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Shriver, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Spectrums: Vocal Pitch Characteristics of those Outside the Gender Binary Open Access Author: Schmid, Hope Elizabeth Title: Spectrums: Vocal Pitch Characteristics of those Outside the Gender Binary Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: genderpitchtransgendervocal pitch characteristicsnon-binarygender spectrumvowel formantsfundamental frequency File: Download Schmid_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Evan Bradley, Thesis SupervisorJean-Marc Authier, Thesis Honors AdvisorLaura Evans, Faculty Reader
3. PATTERNS OF ATTRACTIVENESS AND DOMINANCE AS RELATED TO VOICE FREQUENCY ACROSS CULTURES Open Access Author: Garr, Collin Thomas Title: PATTERNS OF ATTRACTIVENESS AND DOMINANCE AS RELATED TO VOICE FREQUENCY ACROSS CULTURES Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: anthropologyvoice frequencyfundamental frequencydominanceattractivenessperuugandachinaunited statesirancross-culturaldavid putscollin garrprestigeF0 File: Download Honors_Thesis_-_Collin_Garr.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Andrew Puts, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor