1. Study of the Dynamics of Glass Forming Liquids Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Open Access Author: Sokolowski, Christopher Henry Title: Study of the Dynamics of Glass Forming Liquids Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: molecular dynamicstorsionnon-bondedinteractionsglass transitionstrongweakglass File: Download Sokolowski_Thesis_R4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Janna Kay Maranas, Thesis SupervisorJanna Kay Maranas, Thesis SupervisorThemis Matsoukas, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. ELASTICITY AND FRACTURE OF DLC-COATED GLASS UNDER HERTZIAN CONTACT STRESSES Open Access Author: Miller, Elizabeth Christine Title: ELASTICITY AND FRACTURE OF DLC-COATED GLASS UNDER HERTZIAN CONTACT STRESSES Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: diamond-like carboncone crackingglassHertzian contact File: Download SHC_Thesis_Revised__DJG_and_CGP_Reviewed_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carlo G Pantano, Thesis SupervisorCarlo G Pantano, Thesis SupervisorDr. David John Green, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Open Access Author: Okkelberg, Elyssa Iris Title: Exploring Ancient Egyptian Faience With Nanotechnology: Compositional Mappings, Microstructure Analysis, And Modern Applications Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: archeological sciencearchaeometryhistorical objectsglassSEMcopperEDScompositional mappingfritceramicsnanotechnologyEgyptMaterials Science Engineeringart historyfaienceEgyptian faiencepenn stateelyssa okkelberg File: Download Okkelberg_Elyssa_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Paul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis SupervisorDr. Elizabeth J Walters, Thesis Honors AdvisorDigby D Macdonald, Faculty ReaderPaul Raymond Howell, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN OF ALKALI-FREE BOROALUMINOSILICATE GLASS THIN FILMS Open Access Author: Serra, Jessica Lynn Title: DIELECTRIC BREAKDOWN OF ALKALI-FREE BOROALUMINOSILICATE GLASS THIN FILMS Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: thin filmsglassdielectric breakdown File: Download Serra_SHC_IUG_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carlo G Pantano, Thesis SupervisorDr. David John Green, Thesis Honors AdvisorCarlo G Pantano, Thesis Supervisor
5. Study of Variation in Reactive Surface Sites and Alteration Layer Properties of Nuclear Waste Glass Using Solid-State NMR Open Access Author: Banks, Daniel Paul Title: Study of Variation in Reactive Surface Sites and Alteration Layer Properties of Nuclear Waste Glass Using Solid-State NMR Area of Honors: Chemistry Keywords: NMRnuclearwasteglasssolidstatechemistrycorrosionmagneticresonancesurface File: Download Dan_Banks_Honors_Thesis_Chemistry_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Karl Todd Mueller, Thesis SupervisorRaymond Lee Funk, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Beyond the average: A statistical investigation of fluctuations in glass-forming systems Open Access Author: Kirchner, Katelyn Title: Beyond the average: A statistical investigation of fluctuations in glass-forming systems Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: glasstopological constraint theorycomputaitonalstatistical mechanicsfluctuations File: Download Thesis_Katelyn_Kirchner.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John C Mauro, Thesis SupervisorRobert Allen Kimel, Thesis Honors Advisor