1. Golfers' Perceptions of Pace of Play Open Access Author: Bird, Matthew Lee Title: Golfers' Perceptions of Pace of Play Area of Honors: Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management Keywords: golfgolfersperceptionsslow playspeed of playpace of play File: Download Golfers_Perceptions_of_Pace_of_Play_by_Matthew_L_Bird.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Deborah Lee Kerstetter, Thesis SupervisorDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Thesis SupervisorDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Thesis Honors AdvisorG Burch Wilkes IV, Faculty Reader
2. Which Area of the Golf Game is Most Important? A Statistical Analysis Open Access Author: Clarke, Thomas Joseph Title: Which Area of the Golf Game is Most Important? A Statistical Analysis Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: golfstatisticsstandardized regressionscoring averagePGA Tourdrivingputtingscrambling File: Download Thomas_Clarke_Golf_Statistical_Analysis_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Russell Hunter, Thesis SupervisorDavid Russell Hunter, Thesis Honors AdvisorLinda Clark, Faculty Reader
3. FINTE-ELEMENT MODEL OF HIGH-STRAIN-RATE DEFORMATION FOR HIGH-SPEED GOLFBALL Open Access Author: Ying, Zhuoxiang Title: FINTE-ELEMENT MODEL OF HIGH-STRAIN-RATE DEFORMATION FOR HIGH-SPEED GOLFBALL Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Finite elementgolfhyperelasticfractureimpact File: Download thesis_revise.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ivica Smid, Thesis SupervisorSulin Zhang, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader