1. Goodwill Impact on Equity Values Open Access Author: Chen, Meixi Title: Goodwill Impact on Equity Values Area of Honors: Accounting Keywords: goodwillreturn on assetsreturn on equitycash flow from operationsempirical analysishypothesis File: Download Chen_Meixi_Goodwill_Impact_on_Equity_Values.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Edward Ketz, Thesis SupervisorOrie Edwin Barron, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Corporate Sponsorships At A Minor League Baseball Park Open Access Author: Moore, Christopher Lawerence Title: Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Corporate Sponsorships At A Minor League Baseball Park Area of Honors: Recreation and Park Management Keywords: corporate sponsorshipsgoodwillfan involvementattitudes toward the propertyattitudes toward the sponsorconsumer behaviorpurchase intentionsbaseballsport File: Download 1-Moore_Christopher_TheEffectivenenessofSponsorships.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorDr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Honors AdvisorBenjamin Daniel Hickerson, Faculty Reader