1. Grammatical gender processing in L2 speakers of Spanish: Does cognate status help? Open Access Author: Halberstadt, Lauren Title: Grammatical gender processing in L2 speakers of Spanish: Does cognate status help? Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: Spanishlinguisticsbilingualcognateprocessinggrammatical gender File: Download Perrotti_SHCThesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Giuli Dussias, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCarrie Neal Jackson, Faculty Reader
2. The Acquisition of Bilingual Gender in German-french Bilinguals Open Access Author: Pappas, Leah Joann Title: The Acquisition of Bilingual Gender in German-french Bilinguals Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: grammatical genderGermanFrenchlinguisticsbehavioral File: Download Final_Thesis_3.25_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carrie Neal Jackson, Thesis SupervisorLisa A Reed, Thesis Honors AdvisorAdriana Van Hell, Faculty Reader