1. THE ROLE OF GUIDANCE WHEN VOLUNTEERING INTERNATIONALLY: A COMPARISON OF STUDENT INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-LEARNING AND VOLUNTARY SERVICE EXPERIENCES Open Access Author: Pandya, Nishant Title: THE ROLE OF GUIDANCE WHEN VOLUNTEERING INTERNATIONALLY: A COMPARISON OF STUDENT INTERNATIONAL SERVICE-LEARNING AND VOLUNTARY SERVICE EXPERIENCES Area of Honors: Geography Keywords: service-learningstudent volunteeringinternational volunteeringguidancenon-governmental organizationNGO File: Download Pandya_SHC_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lorraine Dowler, Thesis SupervisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Open Access Author: Pence, Jack Title: Collision Avoidance of Dynamic Obstacles Utilizing a Potential Flow Theory Approach Area of Honors: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Aerospacecollision avoidanceflight testautonomyautonomous flightcontrols and dynamicsnavigationcontrolsimulationguidancedroneuavuam File: Download COLLISION_AVOIDANCE_OF_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES_UTILIZING_A_POTENTIAL_FLOW.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis SupervisorSven Schmitz, Thesis Honors Advisor