1. Influence of Social Networks and Support on Access to Health Insurance among Mexican Foreign-born Adults Open Access Author: Leighton, Cassandra Lynn Title: Influence of Social Networks and Support on Access to Health Insurance among Mexican Foreign-born Adults Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: social networkshealth insurancemexican File: Download Cassandra_Leighton_Sociology_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jeffery Todd Ulmer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Impact of PPACA on Employer Sponsored Health Insurance: An Analysis of Employer Motivations to Self-Insure Health Benefits Open Access Author: Mosier, Tiffany Lynn Title: The Impact of PPACA on Employer Sponsored Health Insurance: An Analysis of Employer Motivations to Self-Insure Health Benefits Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: PPACAhealth insuranceself-insuranceemployer-sponsored plans File: Download Mosier_Tiffany_SelfInsuringHealthCare.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Arthur Cather, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Accountable Care Organizations Five Years Later: How the Pioneer ACO Initiative has Achieved Expectations Open Access Author: Yerger, Elizabeth Heininger Title: Accountable Care Organizations Five Years Later: How the Pioneer ACO Initiative has Achieved Expectations Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: actuarial sciencerisk managementhealth insuranceaccountable care organizationsmedicare File: Download YERGER_ELIZABETH_ACCOUNTABLECAREORGANIZATIONS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Arthur Cather, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Comparative Analysis of Nations' Health Care Funding Systems Open Access Author: Kantner, Samuel Wilkens Title: Comparative Analysis of Nations' Health Care Funding Systems Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: actuarial sciencehealth insurancehealth carehealth reformPPACAsocial insurance File: Download Kantner_Samuel_ComparativeAnalysisOfNationsHealthCareFundingSystems.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Lee London, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. The Expansion-Related Effects of Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance on Policyholders and the Affordable Care Act Individual Marketplace Open Access Author: Westfall, Gregory Title: The Expansion-Related Effects of Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance on Policyholders and the Affordable Care Act Individual Marketplace Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: actuarial scienceinsurancehealth insuranceSTLDIACA File: Download The_Expansion-Related_Effects_of_Short-Term__Limited_Duration_Insurance_on_Policyholders_and_the_Affordable_Care_Act_Individual_Marketplace.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorMatthew D Beckman, Thesis Honors Advisor