1. Polycistronic Coexpression and Copurification of the Human MLL MWRA Histone Methyltransferase Complex Open Access Author: Santivasi, Wil Leonard Title: Polycistronic Coexpression and Copurification of the Human MLL MWRA Histone Methyltransferase Complex Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: epigeneticshistone methyltransferasepolycistronic coexpressiongene regulationMLLMWRA File: Download Wil_Leonard_Santivasi.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorSong Tan, Thesis SupervisorChen Pei David Tu, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Wendy Hanna-Rose, Faculty Reader
2. Structural Analysis of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia 3 (MLL3) Histone Methyltransferase Complex Open Access Author: Sowers, Rosalie Title: Structural Analysis of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia 3 (MLL3) Histone Methyltransferase Complex Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: chromatinnucleosomex-ray crystallographyMLLMWRAhistone methyltransferase File: Download Sowers_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorDr. Teh-hui Kao, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Wendy Hanna-Rose, Faculty Reader