1. Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Open Access Author: Frederick, Allison Leigh Title: Federal Gun Control Regulation and its Effect on Firearm Homicide Area of Honors: Political Science Keywords: gun controlfirearmhomicideUnited StatesUnited KingdomAustraliaCanadaInterrupted Time SeriesRegulationPolicy File: Download Frederick_Allison_federalguncontrol.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Lynn Lowery, Thesis SupervisorDr. Gretchen G Casper, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. THE INTERACTION OF VICTIM AND DEFENDANT RACE IN MURDER CONVICTIONS: HOW ARE BLACK AND WHITE DEFENDANTS CONVICTED DIFFERENTLY? DOES ADJUDICATION STYLE PLAY A ROLE? Open Access Author: Winslow, Marlea Nicole Title: THE INTERACTION OF VICTIM AND DEFENDANT RACE IN MURDER CONVICTIONS: HOW ARE BLACK AND WHITE DEFENDANTS CONVICTED DIFFERENTLY? DOES ADJUDICATION STYLE PLAY A ROLE? Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: criminologysocioloyracemurderhomicidedefendantoffendervictimracial dyadlogistic regression File: Download HonorsThesis2019FinalWithCORRECTTitle-converted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric Baumer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Effect of the Prevalence of Community Murals on Neighborhood Crime Rates in Philadelphia Open Access Author: Xu, Gloria Title: The Effect of the Prevalence of Community Murals on Neighborhood Crime Rates in Philadelphia Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: artcrimethefthomicidemuralsPhiladelphia File: Download Final_Xu_excerpt.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel Goldstein, Thesis SupervisorJames R. Tybout, Thesis Honors Advisor