1. Dietary Leucine Supplementation Does Not Influence Glycemic and Insulinemic Response in Yearling Quarter Horses Open Access Author: Lambert, Nicole Michelle Title: Dietary Leucine Supplementation Does Not Influence Glycemic and Insulinemic Response in Yearling Quarter Horses Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: horseglycemic responseinsulinemic responseleucine supplementation File: Download Honors_thesis-_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: William Staniar, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Staniar, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Do dietary energy sources impact melatonin circadian patterns in the horse? Open Access Author: Mcgowan, Lynn Silverman Title: Do dietary energy sources impact melatonin circadian patterns in the horse? Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary in Animal Science and Immunology and Infectious Disease Keywords: horsecircadian rhythmmelatoninhydroxyprolinedietbone development File: Download LSM_ThesisFinalDraft3.pdf
3. Integrative Benefits of Hippotherapy Open Access Author: Brown, Megan Grady Title: Integrative Benefits of Hippotherapy Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: Hippotherapyequine therapyhorseintegrationparent perspective File: Download MegBrown_SHCthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Krista M Wilkinson, Thesis SupervisorDr. Ingrid Maria Blood, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Diet Influences the Equine Metabolome Open Access Author: Kraus, Amy E Title: Diet Influences the Equine Metabolome Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: metabolomicshorsegastrointestinal damagehigh starchnutrition File: Download Kraus_Amy_DietInfluencestheEquineMetabolome.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew David Patterson, Faculty ReaderWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Supervisor