1. An Analysis of the Transaction-Specific Model in a Full-Service Hotel Setting Open Access Author: Clark, Kathryn Elizabeth Title: An Analysis of the Transaction-Specific Model in a Full-Service Hotel Setting Area of Honors: Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Keywords: customer servicehotelhospitalitytransaction-specific File: Download Clark_Kathryn_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Daniel John Mount, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors AdvisorDaniel John Mount, Thesis Supervisor
2. The Factors That Influence Millennials Traveling Internationally to Select an Airbnb Listed Property Versus a Traditional Hotel Open Access Author: Plants, Alyssa Grace Title: The Factors That Influence Millennials Traveling Internationally to Select an Airbnb Listed Property Versus a Traditional Hotel Area of Honors: Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Keywords: Airbnbhospitalitysharing economymillennialspeer-to-peercollaborative consumptionhotelinternational travel File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Anna S Mattila, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Hotel Managers' Perceptions of Homeless Job Applicants Open Access Author: Shockley, Alexander Edwin Title: Hotel Managers' Perceptions of Homeless Job Applicants Area of Honors: Hospitality Management Keywords: hotelmanagerhotel managerhomelesshomelessnessjob applicanthirestereotypediscriminationbiashiringperceptions File: Download Shockley_Alexander_PerceptionsofHomeless.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Anna S Mattila, Faculty Reader
4. Silent Selection: Identifying predictors of hotel choice with regard to accommodations in the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community Open Access Author: McDowell, Courtney Title: Silent Selection: Identifying predictors of hotel choice with regard to accommodations in the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community Area of Honors: Hospitality Management Keywords: communication sciences and disordersdeafdisabilityhotelhard-of-hearingaccommodationsamericans with disabilities actpropensity to spend File: Download McDowell.SilentSelection.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Anna S Mattila, Thesis SupervisorMichael J Tews, Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor