1. Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Open Access Author: Davin, Marikah I Title: Characterization of H2S as a vasodilator in human cutaneous vasculature Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: hydrogen sulfideskin blood flowvasodilation File: Download Davin_Marikah_hydrogensulfide.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lacy Alexander Holowatz, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Lawrence Kenney Jr., Faculty Reader
2. Accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in dairy manure in relation to gypsum use and possible solutions Open Access Author: Brown, Vance David Title: Accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in dairy manure in relation to gypsum use and possible solutions Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: hydrogen sulfidegypsumdairy manureiron oxide File: Download Brown_Vance_hydrogensulfidegypsum.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eileen Eilzabeth Fabian, Thesis SupervisorTroy Ott, Thesis Honors Advisor