1. ELECTRICAL RESITIVITY IMAGING DURING A DILUTION TRACER TEST TO MODEL HYPORHEIC FLOW OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE Open Access Author: Herwehe, Lauren Marie Title: ELECTRICAL RESITIVITY IMAGING DURING A DILUTION TRACER TEST TO MODEL HYPORHEIC FLOW OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE Area of Honors: Geosciences Keywords: acid mine drainagehyporheic zoneelectrical resistivity imagingelectrical conductivityhydrodynamicshydrogeology File: Download Herwehe_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kamini Singha, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kamini Singha, Thesis SupervisorDr. Peter J Heaney, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. An Investigation of Groundwater Communication in the Lake Perez Basin and the Applicability of Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology to Ecological Problems Open Access Author: Gould, Timothy Walker Title: An Investigation of Groundwater Communication in the Lake Perez Basin and the Applicability of Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology to Ecological Problems Area of Honors: Geosciences Keywords: hydrologyhydrogeologydistributed temperature sensingLake PerezgroundwaterstreamStone Valley File: Download Gould_Tim_hydrologyoflakeperezbasin.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Martin Bice, Thesis SupervisorPeter Daniel Wilf, Thesis Honors Advisor