1. Sequential Learning and Gesture Production in Children with Specific Language Impairment Open Access Author: Manocchio, Christina Marie Title: Sequential Learning and Gesture Production in Children with Specific Language Impairment Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: specific language impairmentgesture productionmotor skillssequential learningimplicit learningcommunication File: Download ChristinaManocchio_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors AdvisorErinn Heer Finke, Faculty ReaderDr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis SupervisorDr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors AdvisorErinn Heer Finke, Faculty Reader
2. Vocabulary Consolidation in the Second Language Open Access Author: Padt, Rosa Title: Vocabulary Consolidation in the Second Language Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: consolidationsecond languagevocabulary acquisitionimplicit learning File: Download Padt_Rosa_VocabularyConsolidationintheSecondLanguage.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carrie Neal Jackson, Thesis SupervisorJ.-Marc Authier, Thesis Honors Advisor