1. American Sign Language in Hybrid/Fully Remote Learning: Impact on Student Presence and Presentation Open Access Author: Snyder, Carly Title: American Sign Language in Hybrid/Fully Remote Learning: Impact on Student Presence and Presentation Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: multilingualismmulticulturalismlinguistic equityinclusionculturally sustaining pedagogyAmerican Sign LanguageDeaf and Hard of Hearingvideo-on presencepresentationmainstreaming File: Download Snyder_American_Sign_Langauge_in_Hybrid_Fully_Remote_Learning.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michelle Renee Knotts, Thesis SupervisorMichelle Renee Knotts, Thesis Honors AdvisorSommar Ane Chilton, Faculty ReaderCharlotte L Land, Faculty Reader
2. Teachers' Perspectives of Autism Inclusion Open Access Author: Betar, Makenna Title: Teachers' Perspectives of Autism Inclusion Area of Honors: Elementary and Kindergarten Education Keywords: autisminclusionLeast Restrictive Environment File: Download Betar_Final-Schreyer-Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary Anne Mong, Thesis SupervisorLaura Rotunno, Thesis Honors AdvisorCarrie Danielle Freie, Faculty Reader
3. Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Open Access Author: Rosario, Gray Title: Advancing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Musicological Canon Area of Honors: Music Keywords: Classical canonclassical musicdiversityequityinclusionmusic historymusic theory File: Download BMA_Thesis_Final_2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark C Ferraguto, Thesis SupervisorCharles Dowell Youmans, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Language in the Classroom: Examining Teacher Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Multilingual Learning Open Access Author: Harper, Abigail Title: Language in the Classroom: Examining Teacher Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Multilingual Learning Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: multilingual learnersteacher beliefsteacher preparationinclusionbelonginglanguage File: Download Harper_Abigail_Language_in_the_Classroom_Examining_Teacher_Perspectives_and_Experiences_Regarding_Multilingual_Learning.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Allison Sterling Henward, Thesis SupervisorAshley Nichol Patterson, Faculty ReaderAllison Sterling Henward, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Challenging the Canon: A Thematic Exploration of Underrepresented Composers in Music Theory Pedagogy Open Access Author: Neely, Emma Title: Challenging the Canon: A Thematic Exploration of Underrepresented Composers in Music Theory Pedagogy Area of Honors: Music Education Keywords: musicmusic educationmusic theorytheory pedagogywomen composerswomen in musicdiversityinclusion File: Download NeelyDatabaseLink.pdfDownload emmaneelythesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric John Mckee, Thesis SupervisorLinda Carol Porter Thornton, Thesis Honors AdvisorTaylor Aitken Greer, Faculty Reader