1. Happiness and Economic Inequality – Evaluating the Effects of National Inequality on Levels of Happiness Open Access Author: Kannell, Daniel Alexander Title: Happiness and Economic Inequality – Evaluating the Effects of National Inequality on Levels of Happiness Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: economicseconomicinequalityhappiness File: Download kannell_daniel_happinessandeconomicinequality.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Shapiro, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Parent Involvement, School Readiness, and Socioeconomic Status Open Access Author: Bond, Margaret Title: Parent Involvement, School Readiness, and Socioeconomic Status Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: parent involvementschool readinesssocioeconomic statuseducationinequalityfamily engagement File: Download Parental_Involvement__School_Readiness__and_Socioeconomic_Status.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David P Baker, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor