1. VALUE BASED HEALTH INSURANCE Open Access Author: Xie, Fan Title: VALUE BASED HEALTH INSURANCE Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: valuebasedhealthinsurance File: Download Value_Based_Health_Insurance_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David Arthur Cather, Thesis SupervisorDavid Arthur Cather, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Arthur Cather, Thesis SupervisorDr. Diane Marie Henderson, Thesis Honors AdvisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Faculty Reader
2. The United States Healthcare System: An Economic Analysis of it's Components Open Access Author: Krill, Joshua Title: The United States Healthcare System: An Economic Analysis of it's Components Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: healthcareeconomicsregressioncosttechnologyinsurancelife expectancy File: Download Krill_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Edward James Green, Thesis SupervisorEdward James Green, Thesis SupervisorDavid Shapiro, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A Global Comparison of Catastrophe Insurance Open Access Author: Desjardins, Brigh Noelle Title: A Global Comparison of Catastrophe Insurance Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: insuranceactuarialcatastrophe File: Download Brigh_Desjardins_A_Global_Comparison_of_Catastrophe_Insurance.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Lee London, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors AdvisorLisa Lipowski Posey, Faculty Reader
4. Applying the Medicare Stars System to the Private Individual Health Insurance Market Under the Affordable Care Act Open Access Author: Hedges, Robert Alan Title: Applying the Medicare Stars System to the Private Individual Health Insurance Market Under the Affordable Care Act Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: actuarialhealthcareinsurancemedicare File: Download Hedges_Robert_ApplyingTheMedicareStarsSystemToThePrivateIndividualHealthInsuranceMarketUnderTheAffordableCareAct.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Lee London, Thesis SupervisorRon Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Should the Public or Private Sector Insure Cyber Risks? Open Access Author: Tygh, Colleen Alyssa Title: Should the Public or Private Sector Insure Cyber Risks? Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: actuarial sciencerisk managementcyberinsurance File: Download Colleen_Tygh_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Zhongyi Yuan, Thesis SupervisorRichard Lee London, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The Potential Role of Cyber-liability Insurance In Data Breach Litigation Open Access Author: Mccoy, Eric S Title: The Potential Role of Cyber-liability Insurance In Data Breach Litigation Area of Honors: Security and Risk Analysis Keywords: cyber lawISACinsuranceliabilityriskinformation securityinformation technologydata breach File: Download Final_Thesis_Eric_McCoy_4-12Edits.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Watson Bagby, Thesis SupervisorMarc Aaron Friedenberg, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Statistical Properties of the Risk Transfer Formula in the Affordable Care Act Open Access Author: Li, Michelle Title: Statistical Properties of the Risk Transfer Formula in the Affordable Care Act Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: health careinsuranceaffordable care actactuarial science File: Download Michelle_Li_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Donald Richards, Thesis SupervisorMurali Haran, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. IMPACT OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Open Access Author: Gong, Elizabeth K Title: IMPACT OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: autonomous vehiclesinsuranceautomobileself-driving cars File: Download Liz_Gong_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ron Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis SupervisorLisa Lipowski Posey, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. The Effect of Autonomous Trucking on Commercial Automotive Insurance Open Access Author: Winters, Lisa Title: The Effect of Autonomous Trucking on Commercial Automotive Insurance Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: actuarialautonomoustechnologyinsurance File: Download Lisa_s_Final_Formatted_Thesis_PDF.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ron Gebhardtsbauer, Thesis SupervisorSteven Lee Putterman, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. MARGINAL PRICING: AN EDUCATIONAL MODEL TO PRICE CORRELATED RISKS IN INSURANCE Open Access Author: Callahan, Michael G Title: MARGINAL PRICING: AN EDUCATIONAL MODEL TO PRICE CORRELATED RISKS IN INSURANCE Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: actuarial sciencemathematicsstochasticmonte carloinsurancefinancesimulationpricing model File: Download Callahan_Michael_MargPrice.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorDennis Keith Pearl, Thesis Honors Advisor
11. Seeking Shelter from the War: Risk Mitigation Tactics for Trade Credit Underwriters in Today’s Hostile Global Trade Environment Open Access Author: Reagle, Nathan Title: Seeking Shelter from the War: Risk Mitigation Tactics for Trade Credit Underwriters in Today’s Hostile Global Trade Environment Area of Honors: Risk Management Keywords: political riskinsurancetradetrade credittrade credit insurancetariffsrisk management File: Download Nate_Reagle_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lisa Lipowski Posey, Thesis SupervisorDavid Arthur Cather, Thesis Honors Advisor
12. GEOSPATIAL-RISK-BASED RECOUPMENT FOR TRIA-ELIGIBLE INSURANCE Open Access Author: Bergerman, Rafael Title: GEOSPATIAL-RISK-BASED RECOUPMENT FOR TRIA-ELIGIBLE INSURANCE Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: actuarialgeospatialterrorismrecoupmentriskinsurance File: Download master.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Zhongyi Yuan, Thesis SupervisorSergei Tabachnikov, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. The Elimination of Gender as a Rating Factor in Insurance Pricing Open Access Author: California, Margot Title: The Elimination of Gender as a Rating Factor in Insurance Pricing Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: insuranceinsurance pricinggender discriminationactuarial scienceautomobile insurancelife insuranceinsurance policyCalifornia's Gender Non-Discrimination in Automobile InsuranceGender DirectiveEU Gender DirectiveAdverse SelectionLaw of Large NumbersAsymmetric Information File: Download The_Elimination_of_Gender_as_a_Rating_Factor_in_Insurance_Pricing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorSteven Lee Putterman, Thesis Honors Advisor
14. The Future of Pricing and Selling Flood Insurance in the United States Open Access Author: Cikowski, Shannon Patricia Title: The Future of Pricing and Selling Flood Insurance in the United States Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: actuarial scienceflood riskflood insurancecatastropheinsurance File: Download Cikowski_Shannon_The_Future_of_Selling_and_Pricing_Flood_Insurance.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Zhongyi Yuan, Thesis SupervisorDavid Russell Hunter, Thesis Honors Advisor
15. A Quantitative Analysis of Subjective Measures of Well-being Among Uninsured and Insured Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors Open Access Author: Granahan, Brendan Title: A Quantitative Analysis of Subjective Measures of Well-being Among Uninsured and Insured Cancer Patients and Cancer Survivors Area of Honors: Health Policy and Administration Keywords: insurancecanceraffordable care actwell-being File: Download Granahan__Brendan_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Sciegaj, Thesis SupervisorSelena E Ortiz, Thesis Honors Advisor
16. The Expansion-Related Effects of Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance on Policyholders and the Affordable Care Act Individual Marketplace Open Access Author: Westfall, Gregory Title: The Expansion-Related Effects of Short-Term, Limited Duration Insurance on Policyholders and the Affordable Care Act Individual Marketplace Area of Honors: Actuarial Science Keywords: actuarial scienceinsurancehealth insuranceSTLDIACA File: Download The_Expansion-Related_Effects_of_Short-Term__Limited_Duration_Insurance_on_Policyholders_and_the_Affordable_Care_Act_Individual_Marketplace.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nan Zhu, Thesis SupervisorMatthew D Beckman, Thesis Honors Advisor