1. Word Generation Affects Hand Movements But Not The Reverse Open Access Author: Zhang, Lisai Title: Word Generation Affects Hand Movements But Not The Reverse Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: cognitionperceptual-motor controldual-taskinteractionword generationhand movement File: Download Zhang_Lisai_Word_Generation_Affects_Hand_Movements_But_Not_The_Reverse.pdf Thesis Supervisors: David A. Rosenbaum, Thesis SupervisorDavid A. Rosenbaum, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith Fran Kroll, Faculty Reader
2. A Digital Childhood: How Electronic Toys Impact Parent-child Interaction and Children's Self-regulation Open Access Author: Lomas, Lauren Rosemarie Title: A Digital Childhood: How Electronic Toys Impact Parent-child Interaction and Children's Self-regulation Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: childrentechnologyself-regulationparentparent-childinteraction File: Download Lomas_Lauren_adigitalchildhood.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Mary Zosh, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Mary Zosh, Thesis Honors AdvisorPauline Bernadette Guerin, Faculty Reader
3. The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Open Access Author: Shtivelman, Ilana Title: The Difficulties of Measuring Language Proficiency in a Study Abroad Context Area of Honors: Spanish Keywords: study abroadlanguage proficiencycommunicative capacityintellectual curiosityhome stayinteractionWTCL2 File: Download SCHREYER_HONORS_THESIS_4-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: John Lipski, Thesis SupervisorJohn Lipski, Thesis Honors AdvisorCeleste S Kinginger, Faculty Reader
4. Characterizing Superconducting Qubits Using Pulse-level Control Open Access Author: Mc Millan, Marquis Title: Characterizing Superconducting Qubits Using Pulse-level Control Area of Honors: Physics Keywords: quantum computingquantumcomputingqubitssuperconductivitysuperconductingjosephson-junctionjosephsonjunctionphysicstransmonIBMrabioscillationsrabi oscillationsprobability coefficientsimulationeigen energyeigen stateslightmatterinteractionfield strengthremote experimentpythonscipynumpycooper pair boxmodeltheoreticalcharacterizingmicrowavespulse-levelcontrolspectroscopy File: Download Undergraduate_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nitin Samarth, Thesis SupervisorRichard Wallace Robinett, Thesis Honors Advisor