1. Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Open Access Author: Sullivan, Valerie Kristan Title: Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: veganmineralbioavailabilityironcalciumzincphytateoxalateoxalic acidpolyphenolsphytic acid File: Download THESIS_Submit_Apr19th.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorDorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorGary J Fosmire, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Iron and Zinc Supplementation and the Effects on Mother-infant Interaction Open Access Author: Gregory, Emma C Title: Iron and Zinc Supplementation and the Effects on Mother-infant Interaction Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: nutritionironzincmicronutrient supplementationdevelopmental psychologymother-infant interactioninfant development File: Download gregory_emma_ironandzincsupplementationandtheeffectsonmother-infantinteraction.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura E Murray-Kolb, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. influence of maternal depression and IQ on child nutritional status Open Access Author: Mcgill, Megan Kathleen Title: influence of maternal depression and IQ on child nutritional status Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: maternaldepressionIQnutritionironchild File: Download McGill_MeganK_influenceofmaternaldepressionandiqonchildnutritionalstatus.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Katarzyna Kordas, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors AdvisorRebecca L Corwin, Faculty Reader
4. Secondary Mineralization of Ferrihydrite Under Reducing Redox Conditions: An Electrochemical Study Open Access Author: Griffin, Aron M Title: Secondary Mineralization of Ferrihydrite Under Reducing Redox Conditions: An Electrochemical Study Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: iron oxidesirongroundwaterremediationelectrochemistryredoxaquatic chemistryenvironmental engineering File: Download griffinaronschreyerthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Christopher Aaron Gorski, Thesis SupervisorJoseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
5. THE EFFECTS OF IRON STATUS ON MOOD, STRESS, AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE Open Access Author: Seiger, Emily Rebekah Title: THE EFFECTS OF IRON STATUS ON MOOD, STRESS, AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: ironiron supplementationmoodstressquality of lifewomen of reproductive ageaffective outcomesnutrition File: Download IronandAffectiveOutcomesEmilySeigerThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura E Murray-Kolb, Thesis SupervisorAlison Diane Gernand, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. EFFECT OF SURFACTANT CONCENTRATION ON ALUMINA NANOPARTICLE-NICKEL-IRON COMPOSITES Open Access Author: Reinert, Owen Tanner Title: EFFECT OF SURFACTANT CONCENTRATION ON ALUMINA NANOPARTICLE-NICKEL-IRON COMPOSITES Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: nanoparticleelectrodepositionEISelectrochemical frequency modulationelectochemical impedance spectroscopyEFMsurfactantdispersionironnickelaluminalinear polarization resistancescanning electron microscopyenergy dispersive X-ray spectroscopygalvanodynamic scanningpassivationcatalystscorrosionalloyssurfactant concentrationEEC-1659653REUNSF File: Download Thesis_Final_Document.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Manish Kumar, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Zydney, Thesis Honors Advisor