1. Preliminary Exploration of Diamond Formation at Atmospheric Pressure Using Laser Sustained Plasmas Open Access Author: Githens, Alan Stover Title: Preliminary Exploration of Diamond Formation at Atmospheric Pressure Using Laser Sustained Plasmas Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: diamondchemicalvapordepositionlasersustainedplasma File: Download Githens_Alan_preliminaryexplorationofdiamond.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Judith A Todd Copley, Thesis SupervisorClifford Jesse Lissenden III, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Vladimir Semak, Faculty Reader
2. Simulation of a Vehicle Docking and Collision Avoidance System Using LIDAR-based Object Tracking Open Access Author: Reigh, Kyle Michael Title: Simulation of a Vehicle Docking and Collision Avoidance System Using LIDAR-based Object Tracking Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: simulationvehicledockingcollisionavoidancelidartrackinglaserautomatedparkinglaserobstacle File: Download Reigh_Kyle_SimulationOfAVehicleDocking.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sean N Brennan, Thesis SupervisorHenry Joseph Sommer III, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Neptunium Deposited on a Nickel Foil: An Exercise in Nuclear Forensics Open Access Author: Hopkins, Ann Marie Title: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Neptunium Deposited on a Nickel Foil: An Exercise in Nuclear Forensics Area of Honors: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: nuclearlaser-induced breakdown spectroscopyneptuniumradiation detectionlasernuclear forensics File: Download Ann_Hopkins_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Igor Jovanovic, Thesis SupervisorSeungjin Kim, Thesis Honors Advisor