1. Intelligent tutoring systems and SUMMIT: design and implementation Open Access Author: Casale, Francis Burke Title: Intelligent tutoring systems and SUMMIT: design and implementation Area of Honors: Information Sciences and Technology Keywords: learningtutoringapplication design File: Download FranCasale-Honors_Thesis-Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Steven Raymond Haynes, Thesis SupervisorRosalie Ocker, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Using Literature to Explore Sustainability: Human Values and Dispositions Open Access Author: Kaslow, Matthew Ethan Title: Using Literature to Explore Sustainability: Human Values and Dispositions Area of Honors: English Keywords: sustainabilityliteraturechesapeakebaynatureenvironmentlearningexperiential File: Download kaslow_matthew_literaturesustainability.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Xiaoye You, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert Edwin Burkholder, Faculty Reader
3. Analysis of at Risk Middle School Students' Errors When Solving Fractions Open Access Author: Singer, Lauren Melissa Title: Analysis of at Risk Middle School Students' Errors When Solving Fractions Area of Honors: Educational Psychology Keywords: fractionserror analysisat riskmatheducational psychologyspecial educationlearningstudentsschooleducation File: Download SingerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Rayne Audrey Sperling, Thesis SupervisorDavid Lee, Thesis Honors AdvisorPaul J Riccomini, Faculty Reader
4. Window to the World: Cultural Crossroads in Italy Open Access Author: Siegelman, Ariel Rachel Title: Window to the World: Cultural Crossroads in Italy Area of Honors: Film-Video Keywords: film-videofilmvideoitalianinternationalstudiesperugiaitalylanguageculturemulticulturalismlearning File: Download WINDOWSFINAL.movDownload siegelmanthesisfinal4-3-13.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Barbara O Bird, Thesis SupervisorMaura Elizabeth Shea, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Open Access Author: Harmon, Jessica Nicole Title: Effects of Multimodal Learning on Elementary School Aged Children Area of Honors: Childhood and Early Adolescent Education Keywords: multimodallearningelementaryartsmodessocial interaction File: Download Harmon_Jessica_EffectsofMultimodalLearningOnElementarySchoolAgedChildren.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph M Valente, Thesis SupervisorStephanie Cayot Serriere, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. elearning Design Portfolio Open Access Author: Mcgee, Matthew Ryan Title: elearning Design Portfolio Area of Honors: Learning, Design, and Technology Keywords: elearningdesignlearningportfolio File: Download McGeeSchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kyle Leonard Peck, Thesis SupervisorSimon Richard Hooper, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Theatre as a Multiliteracy in the Elementary Classroom Open Access Author: Walker, Shannon Title: Theatre as a Multiliteracy in the Elementary Classroom Area of Honors: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Keywords: TheatreMultiliteraciesArts Educationelementaryequitableinclusivestudent-centeredlearningtheater21st century literacy File: Download Walker__Shannon_Theatre_as_a_Multiliteracy_in_the_Elementary_Classroom.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Allison Sterling Henward, Thesis SupervisorAmy C Crosson, Thesis Honors AdvisorSamuel Jaye Tanner, Faculty Reader
8. Proposal for Connecting the Gap Between University and Industrial Worlds Open Access Author: Pichi, Alexander Title: Proposal for Connecting the Gap Between University and Industrial Worlds Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: connectinguniversitiesindustrystudentscompanieschemicalengineeringskillslearningcollaborationclassroomcase-study File: Download Pichi_Alexander_ProposalforConnecting.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Montgomery Meigs Alger, Thesis SupervisorWayne Roger Curtis, Thesis Honors Advisor