1. Predicting Major League Baseball Playoff Probabilities Using Logistic Regression Open Access Author: Bittner, Evan James Title: Predicting Major League Baseball Playoff Probabilities Using Logistic Regression Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: statisticsbaseballlogisticregressionlogistic regressionplayoffsprobability File: Download Evan_Bittner_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew John Wiesner, Thesis SupervisorMurali Haran, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. THE INTERACTION OF VICTIM AND DEFENDANT RACE IN MURDER CONVICTIONS: HOW ARE BLACK AND WHITE DEFENDANTS CONVICTED DIFFERENTLY? DOES ADJUDICATION STYLE PLAY A ROLE? Open Access Author: Winslow, Marlea Nicole Title: THE INTERACTION OF VICTIM AND DEFENDANT RACE IN MURDER CONVICTIONS: HOW ARE BLACK AND WHITE DEFENDANTS CONVICTED DIFFERENTLY? DOES ADJUDICATION STYLE PLAY A ROLE? Area of Honors: Criminology Keywords: criminologysocioloyracemurderhomicidedefendantoffendervictimracial dyadlogistic regression File: Download HonorsThesis2019FinalWithCORRECTTitle-converted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Eric Baumer, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. And the Oscar Goes to... (An Application and Comparison of Models Used to Predict the Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture) Open Access Author: Slayton, Joshua Title: And the Oscar Goes to... (An Application and Comparison of Models Used to Predict the Winner of the Academy Award for Best Picture) Area of Honors: Statistics Keywords: statisticslogistic regressiondecision treeleave-one-out cross validationoscarsacademy awardsbest picturepredictiondata analysisclassificationregression File: Download Slayton_Josh_AndTheOscarGoesTo.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Rutter, Thesis SupervisorMichael Rutter, Thesis Honors AdvisorTerry Mark Blakney, Faculty Reader
4. Unveiling Gender Disparities in STEM Success: A Logistic Regression Analysis of Penn State Students Open Access Author: Kelly, Katherine Title: Unveiling Gender Disparities in STEM Success: A Logistic Regression Analysis of Penn State Students Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: logistic regressionwomen in STEMundergraduate researchgender File: Download THESIS_KK.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura E Cruz, Thesis SupervisorAissa Wade, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Tapha, Thitiwat Title: Error correcting codes for distributed non-linear function computation Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: Communication systemoptimizationgradient descentalternating optimizationlogistic regressionloss functionmatrix-multiplication File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Viveck Ramesh Cadambe, Thesis SupervisorJulio Urbina, Thesis Honors Advisor