1. Marital Conflict and Intimacy: Influences on Sibling Relationship Quality in Early Childhood Open Access Author: Cosco, Rebekah Ilene Title: Marital Conflict and Intimacy: Influences on Sibling Relationship Quality in Early Childhood Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: early childhoodintimacyconflictsiblingsmarital relationshipschild temperament File: Download Rebekah_Cosco_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alysia Yvonne Blandon, Thesis SupervisorAlysia Yvonne Blandon, Thesis SupervisorDavid A. Rosenbaum, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effects of daily hassles on couples' conflict resolution styles Open Access Author: Mengle, Emily Terese Title: Effects of daily hassles on couples' conflict resolution styles Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: stressdaily hasslesconflict resolutionmarital relationshipsrespiratory sinus arrhythmia File: Download EmilyFinalFormattedThesis1.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alysia Yvonne Blandon, Thesis SupervisorCynthia L Huang Pollock, Thesis Honors Advisor