1. The Effect of Cybercrime News Announcements on Stock Prices Open Access Author: Wang, Kyle T Title: The Effect of Cybercrime News Announcements on Stock Prices Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: cybercrimecyber attackfinancestock pricesstock marketmarkethackinghackreportingbreach File: Download KTW_MASTER.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Chris Muscarella, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Impact of Increased Market Penetration of Electric Vehicles on the PJM Regional Electric Grid Open Access Author: Humenik, Dylan James Title: Impact of Increased Market Penetration of Electric Vehicles on the PJM Regional Electric Grid Area of Honors: Energy Engineering Keywords: Electric VehicleElectric CarEconomic Dispatchunit commitmentelectricityPJMelectric gridEVchargingIEEEmarketmarket penetrationregional gridgridenergypowerengineeringEMEgenerationgeneratorwindsolarnuclearcoalgasbiomasscontrol algorithmconstraintcharging window File: Download thesis_template_FINAL_Dylan_Humenik.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mort D Webster, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarma V Pisupati, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OWNERSHIP’S IMPACT ON POST EARNINGS ANNOUNCEMENT DRIFT Open Access Author: Cronauer, Ryan Joseph Title: ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OWNERSHIP’S IMPACT ON POST EARNINGS ANNOUNCEMENT DRIFT Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: PEADActivePassiveOwnershipPostearningsannouncementdriftefficientmarkethypothesisEMH File: Download Final_Draft.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jeremiah Ross Green, Thesis SupervisorDr. Brian Spangler Davis, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Systematic Design of the Japanese Garden Open Access Author: Sharp, Marlene Diane Title: Systematic Design of the Japanese Garden Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: Architecturejapanese gardenmarket File: Download Thesis_Format_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Juan Antonio Ruescas, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors Advisor