1. MARRIAGE: OVERVIEW OF BENEFITS AND FUTURE DIRECTION IN THE UNITED STATES Open Access Author: LaPenta, Michelle Lynn Title: MARRIAGE: OVERVIEW OF BENEFITS AND FUTURE DIRECTION IN THE UNITED STATES Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: marriageadvantages and benefitscohabitation File: Download MLaPentaThesis4-19.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. David Eggebeen, Thesis SupervisorDr. David Eggebeen, Thesis SupervisorChalandra M Bryant, Faculty ReaderDr. Kathryn Bancroft Hynes, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. an explanation of household formation and composition in developed and developing countries Open Access Author: Miskewicz, Erich Thomas Title: an explanation of household formation and composition in developed and developing countries Area of Honors: Economics Keywords: household formationhousehold compositionmarriagecohabitationhousehold production File: Download Miskewicz_Erich_householdformationandcomposition.pdf Thesis Supervisors: James R. Tybout, Thesis SupervisorJames R. Tybout, Thesis Honors AdvisorBee Yan Roberts, Faculty Reader
3. Marital Normativity and Social Reinforcement in the Short Fiction of Edith Wharton Open Access Author: Rogalewicz, Kelsey Margaret Title: Marital Normativity and Social Reinforcement in the Short Fiction of Edith Wharton Area of Honors: English Keywords: Edith Whartonshort storiessocial reinforcementmarriagenormsentrapment File: Download RogalewiczThesis_-_Social_Reinforcement_in_Edith_Wharton.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin Jared Schreier, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Fractured Politics: Diplomacy, Marriage, and the Last Phase of the Hundred Years War Open Access Author: Weber, Ariel Celeste Title: Fractured Politics: Diplomacy, Marriage, and the Last Phase of the Hundred Years War Area of Honors: Medieval Studies Keywords: Hundred Years WarHenry IVHenry VKatherine of ValoisCharles VI of Francemedieval diplomacymarriage File: Download FinalThesis_Weber_pdf.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Benjamin Thomas Hudson, Thesis SupervisorBenjamin Thomas Hudson, Thesis Honors AdvisorRobert Roy Edwards, Faculty Reader