1. Analogies in Linear Algebra and Group Theory Open Access Author: Taylor, Benjamin David Title: Analogies in Linear Algebra and Group Theory Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: mathlinear algebragroup theoryabstract algebra File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mihran Papikian, Thesis SupervisorSergei Tabachnikov, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Analysis of at Risk Middle School Students' Errors When Solving Fractions Open Access Author: Singer, Lauren Melissa Title: Analysis of at Risk Middle School Students' Errors When Solving Fractions Area of Honors: Educational Psychology Keywords: fractionserror analysisat riskmatheducational psychologyspecial educationlearningstudentsschooleducation File: Download SingerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Rayne Audrey Sperling, Thesis SupervisorDavid Lee, Thesis Honors AdvisorPaul J Riccomini, Faculty Reader
3. a model of economic growth driven by competitive innovation Open Access Author: Shen, Sijia Title: a model of economic growth driven by competitive innovation Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: economymathpiazzaperiodic orbitODE File: Download Thesis_FormatReview.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alberto Bressan, Thesis SupervisorLuen Chau Li, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Applets in secondary mathematics classrooms: An analysis of their use and impact Open Access Author: O'donnell, Kyle Martin Title: Applets in secondary mathematics classrooms: An analysis of their use and impact Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: mathematicsmathsecondaryapplettechnology File: Download ODonnell_Kyle_appletsinsecondarymathematics.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Rose Mary Zbiek, Thesis SupervisorDr. Rose Mary Zbiek, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Edith Frances Arbaugh, Faculty Reader
5. Fock Spaces Open Access Author: Cotner, Nicholas H Title: Fock Spaces Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: Fock spacesquantum field theorymathtensor productsHilbert spaces File: Download Cotner_fockspace_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Adrian Ocneanu, Thesis SupervisorMark Levi, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Approximate Ramsey Theory Open Access Author: Zhang, Xingyu Title: Approximate Ramsey Theory Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: mathRamsey theorycombinatorics File: Download Zhang_Xingyu_approximateramseytheory.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jan Severin Reimann, Thesis SupervisorVictoria V Sadovskaya, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. An Analysis of the Development of Slope across a Textbook Series Open Access Author: Fisher, Thomas Title: An Analysis of the Development of Slope across a Textbook Series Area of Honors: Secondary Education (Behrend) Keywords: sloperate of changemathmath educationcovariational reasoningratio File: Download Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Courtney Nagle, Thesis SupervisorDr. Courtney Nagle, Thesis Honors AdvisorJodie Lynn Styers, Faculty Reader
8. Implementing a Commuting Market Access Model to the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Open Access Author: Gupte, Atharv Title: Implementing a Commuting Market Access Model to the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: economicsmathstatisticstransportationgeographyschoolseducationreal estateresidentialcommercial File: Download Thesis_Atharv_Gupte.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ruilin Zhou, Thesis SupervisorMark Levi, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. spectral study of neural networks with ReLU and hat activation functions Open Access Author: Tan, Qinyang Title: spectral study of neural networks with ReLU and hat activation functions Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: mathdeep learningfinite element methodsReLU File: Download thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Qingguo Hong, Thesis SupervisorAnna L Mazzucato, Thesis Honors Advisor