1. Modeling the Effect of Temozolomide on Brain Tumor Growth Open Access Author: Siskind, Tamara Lynne Title: Modeling the Effect of Temozolomide on Brain Tumor Growth Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: temozolomidemathematical modelingglioblastoma File: Download Siskind_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Antonios Armaou, Thesis SupervisorAntonios Armaou, Thesis SupervisorAli Borhan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Simulation of hydrocephalus based on mathematical modeling and technological advancements Open Access Author: Kauffman, Justin Allen Title: Simulation of hydrocephalus based on mathematical modeling and technological advancements Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: Hydrocephalusmathematical modelingsimulation File: Download Kauffman_Justin_Final_Hydrocephalus.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Corina Stefania Drapaca, Thesis SupervisorSamia A Suliman, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
3. Carbon, Nitrogen and Manganese in Shale Soil Profiles along a Climate Gradient Open Access Author: Bingham, Nina Lynn Title: Carbon, Nitrogen and Manganese in Shale Soil Profiles along a Climate Gradient Area of Honors: Geosciences Keywords: Climate changesoil organic mattermathematical modelingsoil mixing File: Download Schreyer_Thesis_Final_Bingham.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Susan Louise Brantley, Thesis SupervisorDr. Maureen Feineman, Thesis Honors AdvisorPeter Daniel Wilf, Faculty ReaderDr. Peter J Heaney, Faculty Reader
4. DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Open Access Author: Falk, David Benjamin Title: DYNAMICS OF MINIMAL PERMITTED MOTIFS IN COMBINATORIAL THRESHOLD-LINEAR NETWORKS Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: CTLNneural networkthreshold linearmathematical modelingmathematical neurosciencemathematical biologyminimal permitted motifnonlinear dynamicsdifferential equationsgraph theorycombinatoricsdiscrete mathematicssymmetryneuronsclique unioncyclic union File: Download David_Falk_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Carina Pamela Curto, Thesis SupervisorMark Levi, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Analyzing How Changes in the Health Status of Healthcare Workers Affects Epidemic Outcomes Open Access Author: Phadke, Ishan Title: Analyzing How Changes in the Health Status of Healthcare Workers Affects Epidemic Outcomes Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: quality of careepidemic modelmathematical modeling File: Download Phadke_Sp19_SchreyerThesis-converted.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Katriona Shea, Thesis SupervisorAissa Wade, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Oscillatory Behaviors of SIRS-like Renewal Equations Open Access Author: Pratt, Madison Title: Oscillatory Behaviors of SIRS-like Renewal Equations Area of Honors: Mathematics Keywords: mathematical modelinginfectious diseasesSIR modeldelayed differential equations File: Download resub_final_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy Charles Reluga, Thesis SupervisorVictoria V Sadovskaya, Thesis Honors Advisor