1. A Systems Approach for Re-engineering Hospital Operating Room Scheduling Policies Open Access Author: Foolad, Faranak Title: A Systems Approach for Re-engineering Hospital Operating Room Scheduling Policies Area of Honors: Industrial Engineering Keywords: computer simulationhospitaloperating roommatlab File: Download Foolad_Fara_Reengineering_Hospital_OR_Scheduling_Policies_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Paul M Griffin, Thesis SupervisorDr. Paul M Griffin, Thesis Honors AdvisorM Jeya Chandra, Faculty Reader
2. Modeling the Bidirectional Transport of Intracellular Cargos by Oppositely-directed Motor Proteins Open Access Author: Mentley, Brandon Scott Title: Modeling the Bidirectional Transport of Intracellular Cargos by Oppositely-directed Motor Proteins Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: kinesindyneinmotor proteinbidirectional transportmatlabsimulation File: Download Brandon_Mentley_-_Thesis_Final_Fall15.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. William O Hancock, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors AdvisorJohn Fricks, Faculty Reader
3. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF AN UNKNOWN INPUT ESTIMATION ALGORITHM FOR LITHIUM ION BATTERY APPLICATIONS Open Access Author: Norouzi, Peyman Title: EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF AN UNKNOWN INPUT ESTIMATION ALGORITHM FOR LITHIUM ION BATTERY APPLICATIONS Area of Honors: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Batteryestimationlcolfpinput currentcurrentsockalman filterstate spacelithium-ionvoltageexperimentalsimulationmatlabarbincycler File: Download Norouzi_Peyman_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Hosam Kadry Fathy, Thesis SupervisorDr. Jacqueline Antonia O'Connor, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Evaluating SOMA and MoSh++ Using PSU-TMM100 Marker Data Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Johri, Divyesh Title: Evaluating SOMA and MoSh++ Using PSU-TMM100 Marker Data Area of Honors: Computer Science Keywords: mocapmarkerslabelslabelingauto-labelerlabelerautomatic labelingsomamoshtmm100taijimovement3d bodymotion capturepythonmatlab File: Login to Download Thesis Supervisors: Yanxi Liu, Thesis SupervisorJohn Joseph Hannan, Thesis Honors Advisor