1. ACCULTURATION AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS AMONG HISPANICS Open Access Author: Gazze, Caroline Title: ACCULTURATION AND MENTAL HEALTH STATUS AMONG HISPANICS Area of Honors: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: acculturationmental healthHispanics File: Download Official_completed_thesis_for_real.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Van Hook, Thesis SupervisorDr. Kathryn Bancroft Hynes, Thesis Honors AdvisorMayra Y Bamaca-Colbert, Faculty Reader
2. Fear of Complexity and the Mental Illness Memoir Open Access Author: Lodder, Luiza Neddermeyer Van Krimpen Title: Fear of Complexity and the Mental Illness Memoir Area of Honors: English Keywords: Mental illnessmental healthpsychiatrymemoirliterature File: Download FINAL__1_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Robert Lawrence Caserio Jr., Thesis SupervisorDr. Marcy Lynne North, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. THRIVE STUDY: EFFECTS OF RESILIENCE AND GRIT ON MENTAL HEALTH OUTCOMES IN COLLEGE STUDENTS Open Access Author: D'Souza, Sarah E Title: THRIVE STUDY: EFFECTS OF RESILIENCE AND GRIT ON MENTAL HEALTH OUTCOMES IN COLLEGE STUDENTS Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: resiliencegritmental healthmental health outcomesdepressionanxietystressprotective measurescollege students File: Download D_Souza_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Laura Cousino Klein, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. A REVIEW OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TO COMBAT MENTAL HEALTH CONCERNS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Open Access Author: Lewis, Claire Lynn Title: A REVIEW OF EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES TO COMBAT MENTAL HEALTH CONCERNS AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: mental healthinterventionsBig 10 UniversitiesEcological Modelcampus counseling centers File: Download Claire_Lewis_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Crista N Crittenden, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. MENTAL HEALTH JOURNALISM: EMBRACING ACCURACY, SENSITIVITY AND COMPASSION THROUGHOUT THE REPORTING PROCESS Open Access Author: Kuznitz, Alison Title: MENTAL HEALTH JOURNALISM: EMBRACING ACCURACY, SENSITIVITY AND COMPASSION THROUGHOUT THE REPORTING PROCESS Area of Honors: Journalism Keywords: mental healthmental illnessstigmajournalismsuicidelanguage File: Download Alison_Kuznitz_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Russell Edgar Eshleman Jr., Thesis SupervisorJames Ford Risley, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. [Redacted] Open Access Author: Ryan, Kelsey Title: [Redacted] Area of Honors: English Keywords: poetrysocial commentarygenderreligionpoliticsmental healthcreative thesisralph ellisonthe invisible mancreative writingoulipoblackout poetry File: Download ryan_kelsey_redacted_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kevin Michael Bell, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Gervais Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Mad for Literature, or How The Bell Jar Can Save Your Life Open Access Author: Leamy, Madeline Title: Mad for Literature, or How The Bell Jar Can Save Your Life Area of Honors: English Keywords: mental healthliteratureempathypedagogywellness File: Download Leamy_Mad_for_Literature.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Richard Matthew Doyle, Thesis SupervisorCarla J. Mulford, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. The Complexity of the Tyrant: Rethinking Tyranny in Recent Film Adaptations of Macbeth Open Access Author: Bibb, Jordan Title: The Complexity of the Tyrant: Rethinking Tyranny in Recent Film Adaptations of Macbeth Area of Honors: English Keywords: tyrannyShakespearemental healthviolencemass ideologyadapting plays into filmpsychology and behaviorfear and oppressioncontemporary issuescharacter vs circumstances File: Download Bibb_Thesis_Formatted_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Claire Mary Louise Bourne, Thesis SupervisorChristopher Gervais Reed, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. The Mental Health Crisis: A Qualitative Study of Policies Related to the Provision of Mental Health Education and Support in U.S. Schools Open Access Author: Koon, Sam Title: The Mental Health Crisis: A Qualitative Study of Policies Related to the Provision of Mental Health Education and Support in U.S. Schools Area of Honors: Education and Public Policy Keywords: mental healthmental health educationstudent mental healthmental health servicesmental health support File: Download Koon_Schreyer_Thesis_4.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Maithreyi Gopalan, Thesis SupervisorAnne Whitney, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid Gamson, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. An Examination of the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Physical Activity, and Mental Health of College Students Open Access Author: Race, Lucy Title: An Examination of the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Physical Activity, and Mental Health of College Students Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: physical activityadverse childhood experiencesmental healthcollege students File: Download Race_Lucy_SchreyerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Jean Bopp, Thesis SupervisorJonas Rubenson, Thesis Honors Advisor