1. THE EFFECTS OF WOODY INVASIVE SPECIES ON LEAF LITTER INPUTS IN A NORTHEASTERN DECIDUOUS FOREST Open Access Author: Hone, Christopher Michael Title: THE EFFECTS OF WOODY INVASIVE SPECIES ON LEAF LITTER INPUTS IN A NORTHEASTERN DECIDUOUS FOREST Area of Honors: Forest Science Keywords: invasive plantsinvasive speciesforestrytreessoilcarbonnitrogengrowing seasonmorphologynative File: Download WINER_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margot Wilkinson Kaye, Thesis SupervisorMargot Wilkinson Kaye, Thesis SupervisorJohn Edward Carlson, Thesis Honors AdvisorMichael Gerard Messina, Faculty Reader
2. The Function of Microtubule Polarity in Drosophila Dendrites Open Access Author: Parmar, Manpreet Kaur Title: The Function of Microtubule Polarity in Drosophila Dendrites Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Microtubule PolarityDendritesDrosophila melanogasterMinus-end-out microtubulePlus-end-out microtubulepolarized traffickingKap3RNAiRtnl2RNAiClass I neuronddaEmorphologyendosomesmitochondria File: Download Parmar_Manpreet_FunctionofMicrotubulePolarityinDrosophilaDendrites__Final_4-9-12_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Melissa Rolls, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Gong Chen, Faculty Reader
3. Effect Of Tensile Strain On The Morphology And Dielectric Property Of Pvdf Based Copolymers Open Access Author: Li, Mengfang Title: Effect Of Tensile Strain On The Morphology And Dielectric Property Of Pvdf Based Copolymers Area of Honors: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: PVDF-BTFEcrystal structuresmorphologystretchingdielectric. File: Download SHC_Thesis__Mengfang_Li.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Qing Wang, Thesis SupervisorEvangelos Manias, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Device Performance of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene Solar Cells is Limited by Electron Transport Open Access Author: Edmondson, Bryce Isaiah Title: Device Performance of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene Solar Cells is Limited by Electron Transport Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: organic photovoltaicssolar cellsolar energymorphologypolymerfullerenepolythiophenechemical engineering File: Download Edmondson_Bryce_ThesisFA2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis SupervisorDr. Enrique Daniel Gomez, Thesis Honors AdvisorDarrell Velegol, Faculty Reader
5. Morphological evidence of speciation in croaking geckos (Aristelliger spp.) Open Access Author: Rutter, Amy R Title: Morphological evidence of speciation in croaking geckos (Aristelliger spp.) Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: AristelligerCaribbeancroaking geckocryptic diversityJamaicamorphologyspeciation File: Download Rutter_Amy_CroakingGeckoSpeciation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Stephen Blair Hedges, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis SupervisorDr. James Harold Marden, Thesis Honors AdvisorHeather M Hines, Faculty Reader
6. Variation in Pisiform Morphology Open Access Author: Gavazzi, Lia Michelle Title: Variation in Pisiform Morphology Area of Honors: Biological Anthropolgy Keywords: pisiformgrowth platemorphologyxenarthralorisinehominoidevolution and developmenthistologytetrapod File: Download Gavazzi_Thesis_Final_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Timothy Michael Ryan, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors AdvisorKenneth Gale Hirth, Faculty Reader
7. The Decomposition of Particle and Prefix Verbs in German: through the Lens of Distributed Morphology Open Access Author: Giovagnoli, Jason Title: The Decomposition of Particle and Prefix Verbs in German: through the Lens of Distributed Morphology Area of Honors: Linguistics Keywords: syntaxmorphologyp elementsgermanverbs File: Download Thesis_FInal_Submission.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Michael Travis Putnam, Thesis SupervisorJ.-Marc Authier, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Modeling Vernal Pool Basin Morphology above the Headwaters of the Appalachian Mountains Open Access Author: Prabhu, Ritvik Title: Modeling Vernal Pool Basin Morphology above the Headwaters of the Appalachian Mountains Area of Honors: Environmental Resource Management Keywords: vernal poolwetland delineationmorphologyAppalachiansNational Wetlands InventoryWetland Hydrology Analyst Toolbox File: Download Prabhu_Ritvik_Modeling_Vernal_Pool_Basin_Morphology_above_the_Headwaters_of_the_Appalachian_Mountains.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jonathan M Duncan, Thesis SupervisorRobert David Shannon, Thesis Honors Advisor