1. Independent On-line Information Processing in Bimanual Coordinated Movements Open Access Author: Waltz, Lauren Ann Title: Independent On-line Information Processing in Bimanual Coordinated Movements Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: motor controlbimanual coordination File: Download Waltz_Lauren_IndependentOnLineInformationProcessing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert L Sainburg, Thesis SupervisorAndrzej Przybyla, Thesis SupervisorPeter J Butler, Thesis Honors AdvisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Faculty Reader
2. INVESTIGATING SENSORY AND MOTOR DIFFERENCES IN VARYING FORCE OUTPUT IN YOUNG ADULTS WITH AND WITHOUT ADHD Open Access Author: Tucker, Jacqueline Rose Title: INVESTIGATING SENSORY AND MOTOR DIFFERENCES IN VARYING FORCE OUTPUT IN YOUNG ADULTS WITH AND WITHOUT ADHD Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: grip forcemotor controlsensorytactileattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) File: Download Jacqueline_Tucker_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kristina A Neely, Thesis SupervisorJian Yang, Thesis Honors AdvisorMeghan Elise Vidt, Faculty Reader
3. Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric lateralization and interhemispheric transfer asymmetries in manual stereognosis Open Access Author: Scott, Jordan Title: Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric lateralization and interhemispheric transfer asymmetries in manual stereognosis Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: stereognosishemispherehemispherictactileinterhemispherictransferJordanScottlateralizationmotor controlipsilateralcontralateral File: Download Scott_Jordan_Hemispheric_lateralization_and_interhemispheric_transfer_asymmetries_in_manual_stereognosis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert L Sainburg, Thesis SupervisorJonas Rubenson, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Effects of Smooth Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements on Whole Body Postural Responses During Upright Perturbed Reaching Movements Open Access Author: Albenze, Eliza Title: Effects of Smooth Pursuit and Saccadic Eye Movements on Whole Body Postural Responses During Upright Perturbed Reaching Movements Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: motor controlEMGvisuomotorposture stability File: Download Albenze_Final_Thesis_Spring_2023.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tarkeshwar Singh, Thesis SupervisorLacy Marie Alexander, Thesis Honors Advisor