1. Unconventional Natural Gas: An Economic Driver for the United States Economy Open Access Author: Mattson, Trey Eric Title: Unconventional Natural Gas: An Economic Driver for the United States Economy Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: natural gaseconomyunconventionalshale File: Download Trey_Mattson_Thesis_Unconventional_Natural_Gas.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis SupervisorDr. Russell Paul Chuderewicz, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The Effect of Added Carbon Dioxide on the Relationship between Chemiluminescence and Flame Heat Release in Premixed Natural Gas Combustion Systems Open Access Author: Mulvaney, Kathleen Mara Title: The Effect of Added Carbon Dioxide on the Relationship between Chemiluminescence and Flame Heat Release in Premixed Natural Gas Combustion Systems Area of Honors: Engineering Science Keywords: combustionnatural gaschemiluminescencestationary gas turbinesexhaust gas recirculationlaminar premixed combustion File: Download mulvaney_senior_thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Domenic Adam Santavicca, Thesis SupervisorBarbara A. Shaw, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith A Todd Copley, Faculty Reader
3. Analysis and Applications of Natural Gas Micro-grids Open Access Author: Carbine, Megan D'Lauro Title: Analysis and Applications of Natural Gas Micro-grids Area of Honors: Energy, Business, and Finance Keywords: natural gasMarcellus shaleMicro-Grideconomic analysisClearfield CountyDuBoisNCL Resources File: Download Carbine_Megan_AnalysisandApplicationsofNaturalGasMicroGrids.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Seth Adam Blumsack, Thesis SupervisorSeth Adam Blumsack, Thesis Honors AdvisorLuis F. Ayala, Faculty Reader
4. The Effects of Coal and Natural Gas in Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Miller, Christopher Title: The Effects of Coal and Natural Gas in Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: coalnatural gasPennsylvaniahydraulic fracturingMarcellus Shaleeconomyenvironment File: Download Miller_Christopher_coalnaturalgaspennsylvania.pdf
5. An Exploration into Extraction: a Comparative Institutional Analysis of Anthracite Coal Mining and Natural Gas Drilling in Northeastern Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Grogan, Kelcey A Title: An Exploration into Extraction: a Comparative Institutional Analysis of Anthracite Coal Mining and Natural Gas Drilling in Northeastern Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Community, Environment, and Development Keywords: natural resource extractionMarcellus Shaleanthracite coalnatural gasPennsylvaniainstitutionscommunityenvironment File: Download GROGAN_KELCEY_THESIS_FINAL_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Theodore Roberts Alter, Thesis SupervisorTheodore Roberts Alter, Thesis Honors AdvisorJeffrey Cash Bridger, Faculty Reader
6. Development of an Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Fishbone Wellbore Performance in Tight Gas Sands Open Access Author: Schumacker, Eric David Title: Development of an Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Fishbone Wellbore Performance in Tight Gas Sands Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: natural gasproductionmultilateralwellboreneural networkunconventional reservoir File: Download SCHUMACKER_ERIC_FishboneWellborePerformanceANN.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorYilin Wang, Faculty Reader
7. Exploring Critical Success Factors of a Natural Gas Fuel Transition Project for Heavy-duty Trucks Open Access Author: Victor, Sara Joelle Title: Exploring Critical Success Factors of a Natural Gas Fuel Transition Project for Heavy-duty Trucks Area of Honors: Interdisciplinary Business with Engineering Studies Keywords: natural gasheavy-duty truckstransportationcross-case analysisexploratory research File: Download Victor_Sara_Naturalgastrucks_SHC.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Diane Parente, Thesis SupervisorDiane Parente, Thesis Honors AdvisorGregory P Dillon, Faculty Reader
8. Analysis of Methane Hydrates as a Future Source of Energy Open Access Author: Distanislao, Chad Title: Analysis of Methane Hydrates as a Future Source of Energy Area of Honors: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Keywords: methane hydratesenergypetroleumnatural gas File: Download DiStanislao_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Turgay Ertekin, Thesis SupervisorTurgay Ertekin, Thesis Honors AdvisorLi Li, Faculty Reader