1. Recognition of Depression in Patients with Diabetes: A Literature Review Open Access Author: Seitz, Kelly Brenna Title: Recognition of Depression in Patients with Diabetes: A Literature Review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: depressiondiabetesrecognitionnursingcomorbidity File: Download KellySeitz2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Carol A Smith, Thesis SupervisorDr. Carol A Smith, Thesis SupervisorDonna Marie Fick, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. The natural restorative environment: Implications for nursing practice Open Access Author: David, Ashley Renee Title: The natural restorative environment: Implications for nursing practice Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: nursingattention restorationnatural restorative environmentnaturedirected attention File: Download A._David_scholarly_paper_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Margaret Jane Cushman, Thesis SupervisorDonna Marie Fick, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The State and Future of Community and Public Health Nursing: An Integrative Literature Review Open Access Author: Macnicol, Caitlin E Title: The State and Future of Community and Public Health Nursing: An Integrative Literature Review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: community healthpublic healthnursingAffordable Care Act File: Download MacNicol_Caitlin_TheStateAndFutureOfCommunityAndPublicHealthNursing.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Harleah Graham Buck, Thesis SupervisorHarleah Graham Buck, Thesis Honors AdvisorDonna Marie Fick, Faculty Reader
4. Cytokines, Depression, and Bone Health: Exploring the Associations in Healthy Adolescent Females Open Access Author: Sucharski, Monica Lynn Title: Cytokines, Depression, and Bone Health: Exploring the Associations in Healthy Adolescent Females Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: cytokinesdepressionbone healthadolescencefemalesnursing File: Download Sucharski_Monica_CytokinesDepressionBoneHealth.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Lorah D Dorn, Thesis SupervisorHarleah Graham Buck, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. The Implications of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Literature Review Open Access Author: Overholt, Kristen M Title: The Implications of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Literature Review Area of Honors: General Arts and Sciences Keywords: anesthesiaawareness during anesthesianursinggeneral anesthesiaawareness File: Download FINAL_THESIS_VERSION_KMO_OVERHOLT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison Walsh, Faculty ReaderMichael A Campbell, Thesis SupervisorMichael A Campbell, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Atherosclerosis in Marathon Running Open Access Author: Verbeke, Madeline Rose Title: Atherosclerosis in Marathon Running Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: atherosclerosismarathonnursingrunning File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis Honors AdvisorJudith E Hupcey, Faculty Reader
7. Association of Sleep Restriction and Sustained Attention with Self-Reported Sleepiness Open Access Author: Buzzell, Katherine Jane Title: Association of Sleep Restriction and Sustained Attention with Self-Reported Sleepiness Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: sleep restrictionnursingsustained attentionself-reported sleepiness File: Download Thesis_Buzzell.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Anne-Marie Chang, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. EDUCATING HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING Open Access Author: Hershey, Sarah N Title: EDUCATING HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: human traffickingnursingeducationtraininghealth care professionalsnurse File: Download Hershey_Sarah_EducatingHT.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sheridan Miyamoto, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Use of de-escalation techniques to decrease violence in the emergency department Open Access Author: Vaydanich, Heather Title: Use of de-escalation techniques to decrease violence in the emergency department Area of Honors: Psychology (Behrend) Keywords: de-escalationworkplace violenceemergency departmenthospital violencede-escalation techniquesde-escalation trainingcommunicationcommunication factorsaggressor factorsenvironmental factorsnursingviolence toward nursesrestraintssafety File: Download HEATHER_THESIS_FINAL_EDITS_PDF___.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Wilson James Brown, Thesis SupervisorCarolynn Blaze Masters, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Barriers to men seeking health care after sexual violence: A systematic review Open Access Author: Duffy, Sarah Title: Barriers to men seeking health care after sexual violence: A systematic review Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: nursingsexual assaultsexual violencemenbarriers to care File: Download duffy_thesis.FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jocelyn Anderson, Thesis SupervisorSusan Jayne Loeb, Thesis Honors Advisor