11. Diet Influences the Equine Metabolome Open Access Author: Kraus, Amy E Title: Diet Influences the Equine Metabolome Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: metabolomicshorsegastrointestinal damagehigh starchnutrition File: Download Kraus_Amy_DietInfluencestheEquineMetabolome.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew David Patterson, Faculty ReaderWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Honors AdvisorWilliam Burton Staniar, Thesis Supervisor
12. Nutrition Education and Childhood Health Open Access Author: Renner, Corinne Yvette Title: Nutrition Education and Childhood Health Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: preschool interventionnutritionc-reactive proteinbody mass indexnutrition education File: Download Renner_Corinne_NutritionEducationandChildhoodHealth.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis SupervisorJennifer Elise Graham Engeland, Thesis SupervisorDavid John Vandenbergh, Thesis Honors Advisor
13. Zinc Supplementation in the Case of Diarrheal Disease Open Access Author: Kidder, Sarah Marie Title: Zinc Supplementation in the Case of Diarrheal Disease Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: zincsupplementationnutritiondiarrheabiobehavioral healthliterature reviewglobal healthdeveloping world File: Download Kidder_Sarah_zincsupplementationinthecaseofdiarrhealdisease.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Caprice A Knapp, Thesis SupervisorDavid John Vandenbergh, Thesis Honors AdvisorDavid John Vandenbergh, Faculty Reader
14. INVESTIGATING POTENTIAL IMPACT OF VITAMIN AND MINERAL STATUS IN STILLBORN CALVES Open Access Author: Esplin, Danielle Linda Title: INVESTIGATING POTENTIAL IMPACT OF VITAMIN AND MINERAL STATUS IN STILLBORN CALVES Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: cowcattleruminantsveterinarynutritionstillbirthindustrydystociamineralvitaminspennsylvania File: Download Esplin_Thesis_Final2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert John Vansaun, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
15. Determining If Serum Shock and Dexamethasone Initiate Circadian Rhythms in Bovine MAC-T Mammary Epithelial Cells Open Access Author: Reineke, Rachel A Title: Determining If Serum Shock and Dexamethasone Initiate Circadian Rhythms in Bovine MAC-T Mammary Epithelial Cells Area of Honors: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Keywords: circadian rhythmsdexamethasoneserum shockbiological rhythmsdairynutritioncell culturein vitroMAC-Tentrained rhythmperipheral clockbovinemammaryepithelialcellscircadianrhythmmilkproductiongene expressionRPS9CLOCKBMAL1PER1PER2CRY1 File: Download SHC_Thesis_Final_FINAL_ACTUAL___.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Kevin John Harvatine, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lester C Griel Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor
16. An analysis of the Efficacy of the Healthy Bodies Project on Increasing Food Literacy in Preschool Age Children Open Access Author: Fiorillo, Megan Helene Title: An analysis of the Efficacy of the Healthy Bodies Project on Increasing Food Literacy in Preschool Age Children Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: food literacynutrition interventionnutritionchildhood obesity File: Download Megan_Fiorillo_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis SupervisorDr. Lori Anne Francis, Thesis Honors Advisor
17. USING POSITIVE DEVIANCE BY MICRONUTRIENT STATUS TO IDENTIFY DIFFERENCES IN FOOD BEHAVIORS IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN GHANA Open Access Author: Heine, Carissa Noel Title: USING POSITIVE DEVIANCE BY MICRONUTRIENT STATUS TO IDENTIFY DIFFERENCES IN FOOD BEHAVIORS IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN GHANA Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: ghananutritionpositive deviancemicronutrient statusmicronutrient deficiencymalnutritionfood behaviorswomen of reproductive agepreconceptionqualitative datanutritional sciencelow-resource File: Download FinalThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison Diane Gernand, Thesis SupervisorAlison Diane Gernand, Thesis Honors AdvisorLaura E Murray-Kolb, Faculty Reader
18. THE EFFECTS OF IRON STATUS ON MOOD, STRESS, AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE Open Access Author: Seiger, Emily Rebekah Title: THE EFFECTS OF IRON STATUS ON MOOD, STRESS, AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: ironiron supplementationmoodstressquality of lifewomen of reproductive ageaffective outcomesnutrition File: Download IronandAffectiveOutcomesEmilySeigerThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura E Murray-Kolb, Thesis SupervisorAlison Diane Gernand, Thesis Honors Advisor
19. The Thermic Effect of Food in Energy Deficient Women Open Access Author: Stockard, Sinclair T Title: The Thermic Effect of Food in Energy Deficient Women Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: energywomentriadnutritionfemaleexercisediet File: Download StockardSinclairTurnerThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis SupervisorDr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis Honors AdvisorNancy I. Williams, Faculty Reader
20. A Conception of Reality and its Ideal in Relation to American Dietary Choices Open Access Author: Murray, Indigo Savannah Title: A Conception of Reality and its Ideal in Relation to American Dietary Choices Area of Honors: Philosophy Keywords: responsibilityoverconsumptiongovernmentfood industrypublicnutrition File: Download Murray_Thesis_Dietary_Responsibility.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brady Lee Bowman, Thesis SupervisorBrady Lee Bowman, Thesis Honors AdvisorJonathan Harold Marks, Faculty Reader