1. High-Lauric and High-Myristic Fatty Acid Cheese: Effects on Serum Lipoprotein Profiles Open Access Author: Insetta, Emily Rose Title: High-Lauric and High-Myristic Fatty Acid Cheese: Effects on Serum Lipoprotein Profiles Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: lauric fatty acidmyristic fatty acidcholesterolTCLDL-CHDL-CTC:HDL-C rationutritiondietfatty acidssaturated fatty acidsfat File: Download Emily_Insetta_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Penny Kris Etherton, Thesis SupervisorPenny Margaret Kris-Etherton, Thesis SupervisorGary J Fosmire, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Dietary Analysis of Patients with Crohn's Disease Open Access Author: Zeky, Nicole Marie Title: Dietary Analysis of Patients with Crohn's Disease Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Crohn's Diseasenutritiondietary fatvitamin D File: Download 1-NicoleZekyThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Terryl Johnson Hartman, Thesis SupervisorJill Patterson, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Nutritional strategies associated with low energy availability in Division I female soccer players Open Access Author: Kindler, Joseph Michael Title: Nutritional strategies associated with low energy availability in Division I female soccer players Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: Female Athlete Triadenergy availabilityfemale soccernutrition File: Download Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nancy I. Williams, Thesis SupervisorStephen Jacob Piazza, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Uncertain access to shortening alters home cage intake but not operant performance in rats Open Access Author: Vlassis, Stephen A Title: Uncertain access to shortening alters home cage intake but not operant performance in rats Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Uncertaintybingenutritionratsoperant File: Download Stephen_Vlassis_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rebecca L Corwin, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors AdvisorJill Patterson, Faculty Reader
5. The Impact of a Nutritious Cafeteria on Employee Attitudes Open Access Author: Song, Lucy Jalin Title: The Impact of a Nutritious Cafeteria on Employee Attitudes Area of Honors: Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Keywords: nutritionhealth promotionwellnessjob satisfactionturnoverhuman resources File: Download Song_Lucy_NutritiousEmployeeCafeteria.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Larry Ross Martinez, Thesis SupervisorDr. Breffni M Noone, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. The effect of portion size and energy density on energy intake in preschool children Open Access Author: Mcconnell, Hannah Marie Title: The effect of portion size and energy density on energy intake in preschool children Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: portion sizeenergy densitynutritionenergy intake File: Download Thesis_draft_6.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Barbara Jean Rolls, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. Iron and Zinc Supplementation and the Effects on Mother-infant Interaction Open Access Author: Gregory, Emma C Title: Iron and Zinc Supplementation and the Effects on Mother-infant Interaction Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: nutritionironzincmicronutrient supplementationdevelopmental psychologymother-infant interactioninfant development File: Download gregory_emma_ironandzincsupplementationandtheeffectsonmother-infantinteraction.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura E Murray-Kolb, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
8. Cereal Grain Belly? An Exploration Of How Grain Source Versus Produce Source Dietary Fiber Is Associated With Cardiometabolic Risk Open Access Author: Boretz, Elise Joan Title: Cereal Grain Belly? An Exploration Of How Grain Source Versus Produce Source Dietary Fiber Is Associated With Cardiometabolic Risk Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: Fiberwaist circumferenceNHANESnutritionhealth policy and administrationdiet File: Download BORETZ_ELISE_cerealgrainbelly.pdf.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Patricia Y Miranda-Hartsuff, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Rhonda Be Lue, Faculty Reader
9. influence of maternal depression and IQ on child nutritional status Open Access Author: Mcgill, Megan Kathleen Title: influence of maternal depression and IQ on child nutritional status Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: maternaldepressionIQnutritionironchild File: Download McGill_MeganK_influenceofmaternaldepressionandiqonchildnutritionalstatus.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Katarzyna Kordas, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors AdvisorRebecca L Corwin, Faculty Reader
10. Availability and intake of foods with naturally occurring or added vitamin D in a setting of high vitamin D deficiency Open Access Author: Cooper, Morgan Brittany Title: Availability and intake of foods with naturally occurring or added vitamin D in a setting of high vitamin D deficiency Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: vitamin DpregnancyBangladeshmilkfortificationnutrition File: Download Cooper_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Alison Diane Gernand, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor