1. Origins of Music Open Access Author: Hughes, Andrew Isaac Title: Origins of Music Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: musicbiomusicologyoriginslanguagesocial cohesioncommunicationadaptationist File: Download AIH_Final_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Nina G Jablonski, Thesis SupervisorNina G Jablonski, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Exploring the Origins of Adoption in Human Evolution: A Literature Review Open Access Author: Szymanski, Alyssa Marie Title: Exploring the Origins of Adoption in Human Evolution: A Literature Review Area of Honors: Anthropology Keywords: adoptionoriginsevolutionkin-selectionallomotheringparental investmentintercountryreformdemographicsethics File: Download SHC_Thesis_Origins_of_Adoption_in_Human_Evolution_A_Literature_Review.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephen Augustus Matthews, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor