1. Modeling the Roll-Slip Nonlinear Dynamics of the Knee Open Access Author: Gagliardi, Virginia Marie Title: Modeling the Roll-Slip Nonlinear Dynamics of the Knee Area of Honors: Bioengineering Keywords: kneeknee jointprostheticsdynamics of the kneeroll-slideroll-sliposcillator File: Download Gagliardi_Thesis_Spring_2010.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis SupervisorJoseph Paul Cusumano, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors AdvisorMargaret June Slattery, Faculty Reader
2. Network Analyzer With Stable Oscillator for Ice Penetrating Radar Open Access Author: Tim, Eric Joseph Title: Network Analyzer With Stable Oscillator for Ice Penetrating Radar Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: network analyzeroscillatorice penetrating radarelectrical engineeringSDR-KitsTCXO File: Download Tim_Eric_NetworkAnalyzerforIcePenetratingRadar.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Sven G Bilén, Thesis SupervisorJohn Douglas Mitchell, Thesis Honors Advisor