1. outdoor recreation and invasive species at Presque Isle State Park Open Access Author: Decker, Nicholas M Title: outdoor recreation and invasive species at Presque Isle State Park Area of Honors: Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management Keywords: outdoor recreationinvasive speciespark management File: Download Decker_Nick_OutdoorRecandISatPISP.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorDr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Honors AdvisorAlan R Graefe, Faculty Reader
2. Best Practices in Collegiate Outdoor Recreation Open Access Author: Spohn, Christina L Title: Best Practices in Collegiate Outdoor Recreation Area of Honors: Recreation and Park Management Keywords: outdoor recreationcollege recreationstudent engagementprogrammingbest practices File: Download spohn_christina_bestpracticesincollegiateoutdoorrecreation.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis SupervisorDr. Andrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Honors AdvisorDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Faculty Reader
3. Comparative Study of Wilderness Medicine Protocols and Procedures in College Outdoor Programs Open Access Author: Boell, Keeley Title: Comparative Study of Wilderness Medicine Protocols and Procedures in College Outdoor Programs Area of Honors: Recreation and Park Management Keywords: outdoor recreationoutdoor programoutingwilderness medicinerisk managementmedical kitevacuationepinephrineoutdooroutdoor orientation program File: Download Boell_Keeley_ComparativeStudyofWildernessMedicineProtocolsandProceduresinCollegeOutdoorPrograms.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Brendan Derrick Taff, Thesis SupervisorAndrew Justin Mowen, Thesis Honors Advisor