1. Support Services for At-risk Students in Rural Schools Open Access Author: Bunch, Sarah Michelle Title: Support Services for At-risk Students in Rural Schools Area of Honors: Elementary and Kindergarten Education Keywords: rural educationspecial educationsupport servicesparental involvementschool involvementhighly qualified teachers File: Download Bunch_Sarah_Supportservicesinruralschools.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jacqueline Edmondson, Thesis SupervisorStephanie Cayot Serriere, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Child Gender, Parental Expectations, and Academic Achievement: Does Parental Involvement Matter? Open Access Author: Hammer, Lauren Jennifer Title: Child Gender, Parental Expectations, and Academic Achievement: Does Parental Involvement Matter? Area of Honors: Sociology Keywords: child genderparental involvementparental expectationsacademic achievement File: Download Hammer_Lauren_doesparentalinvolvementmatter.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Duane Francis Alwin, Thesis SupervisorStacy Silver, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Immigrant College Student’s Struggle to Achieve the American Dream Open Access Author: Charleston, Karen Title: The Immigrant College Student’s Struggle to Achieve the American Dream Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: immigrant college studentAmerican dreamCOVID-related stressorssense of belongingmicroaggressionsparental involvement File: Download Charleston_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Winkeljohn Black, Thesis SupervisorCobi S Michael, Thesis Honors AdvisorMarissa A Harrison, Faculty Reader