1. Synthesis, Efficacy, and Molecular Targeting of Hydrazide Class trans-translation Inhibitors Open Access Author: Babunovic, Gregory Hunter Title: Synthesis, Efficacy, and Molecular Targeting of Hydrazide Class trans-translation Inhibitors Area of Honors: Microbiology Keywords: antibioticsbacteriatrans-translationinhibitorproteinclick chemistrysynthesishydrazidetargetpathogen File: Download G._H._Babunovic_Honors_Thesis_Final_15.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Kenneth Charles Keiler, Thesis SupervisorDr. Sarah Ellen Ades, Thesis Honors AdvisorScott Brian Selleck, Faculty Reader
2. PATHOGEN REMOVAL USING MORINGA OLEIFERA MODIFIED SAND COLUMNS FOR POINT-OF-USE WATER PURIFICATION Open Access Author: Wang, Ziyuhan Title: PATHOGEN REMOVAL USING MORINGA OLEIFERA MODIFIED SAND COLUMNS FOR POINT-OF-USE WATER PURIFICATION Area of Honors: Environmental Engineering Keywords: water purificationMoringaSand Columnpathogenwastewater File: Download Ziyuhan_Wang_thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Stephanie Butler Velegol, Thesis SupervisorJohn Michael Regan, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Investigating baculovirus as a viral vector for delivery of Cas9 to the ovaries of disease vector Aedes aegypti for use in mosquito gene editing technologies Open Access Author: Mckeand, Sage Title: Investigating baculovirus as a viral vector for delivery of Cas9 to the ovaries of disease vector Aedes aegypti for use in mosquito gene editing technologies Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Entomology Keywords: entomologyvector controldiseasepathogenbaculovirusAcMNPVviral vectorvectorAedes aegyptigene editingCas9ReMOT Controlmosquitoovaries File: Download McKeand_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jason Laurence Rasgon, Thesis SupervisorGary Felton, Thesis Honors Advisor