1. Urban Wellness: Towards Restorative Environments in Hospitals Open Access Author: Bartels, Catherine Therese Title: Urban Wellness: Towards Restorative Environments in Hospitals Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: architectureschreyerhospitalshealthcareevidence-based designenvironmental psychologykossmanrestorativeneuroscienceenvironmenthealthphiladelphianorth centralgirard avenuewayfindingpatientswellnessdaylightinglandscapesense of placesocial interactionurban architecturepatientrecoveryuninsuredunderinsuredhealinghealing spaces File: Download FINAL_Thesis_Book_SHC_Version.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jawaid Haider, Thesis SupervisorChristine Lee Gorby, Thesis Honors AdvisorJawaid Haider, Thesis Supervisor
2. Heart Failure Patients' Experiences of Living with Heart Failure Open Access Author: Liss, Katherine Marie Title: Heart Failure Patients' Experiences of Living with Heart Failure Area of Honors: Nursing Keywords: Heart failurelived experienceunmet needspatient File: Download Liss_Katherine_HeartFailurePatientsExpereinces.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Lisa Ann Kitko, Thesis SupervisorHarleah Graham Buck, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. Predicting 30-Day ICU Readmission Rates Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records Open Access Author: Farooq, Sarah Title: Predicting 30-Day ICU Readmission Rates Using Machine Learning on Electronic Health Records Area of Honors: Data Sciences Keywords: machine learningclassificationEHRdataelectronic health recordshospitalICUreadmissionclass imbalancemissing valuesimputationrebalancinghospital readmissionpatientmedical dataXG BoostMICE data imputationhealthhealth caremodelsupervised learningmodel performance File: Download SarahFarooq_Honors_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Fenglong Ma, Thesis SupervisorJohn Yen, Thesis Honors Advisor