1. Technology in High School Classrooms and Preparation for College Mathematics Open Access Author: Walter, Leanne Esther Title: Technology in High School Classrooms and Preparation for College Mathematics Area of Honors: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: technologymathematics educationcollege-level mathematicsconfidenceperformanceconceptualprocedural File: Download WALTER_THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mary Kathleen Heid, Thesis SupervisorMary Kathleen Heid, Thesis SupervisorAndrea Vujan McCloskey, Faculty ReaderMary Kathleen Heid, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. MIMO WIRELESS AD-HOC COMMUNICATION NETWORKS: EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE Open Access Author: Wang, Michael Title: MIMO WIRELESS AD-HOC COMMUNICATION NETWORKS: EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE Area of Honors: Electrical Engineering Keywords: MIMOsimulationoptimizationperformancead-hocwireless communication File: Download Thesis_Final_Wang_Michael.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Aylin Yener, Thesis SupervisorAylin Yener, Thesis SupervisorJohn Douglas Mitchell, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. REHeat; Invigorating Community and Food Heritage through Culinary Performance; Renovation of 1317 East Carson Street, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Open Access Author: Daniels, Lynne Title: REHeat; Invigorating Community and Food Heritage through Culinary Performance; Renovation of 1317 East Carson Street, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Area of Honors: Architecture Keywords: adaptive reusefoodperformance File: Download Daniels_Lynne_CulinaryPerformance.pdf
4. Changes in Energetic Factors and Performance Following a Competitive Season in Female Distance Runners Open Access Author: Mctavish, Mitchell Scott Title: Changes in Energetic Factors and Performance Following a Competitive Season in Female Distance Runners Area of Honors: Kinesiology Keywords: female athlete triaddistance runnersenergy availabilityenergetic factorsperformance File: Download MSM_Thesis_4_8_FINAL_SUBMISSION_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mary Jane De Souza, Thesis SupervisorJinger S. Gottschall, Thesis Honors Advisor
5. Vocal hygiene awareness among singers Open Access Author: Hall, Leah Michelle Title: Vocal hygiene awareness among singers Area of Honors: Communication Sciences and Disorders Keywords: vocal hygienevoicesingersvocal foldsvocal functioningqualityperformance File: Download Hall_Leah_vocalhygieneawareness.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Robert Anthony Prosek, Thesis SupervisorDr. Carol Anne Miller, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Assessment Centers: A Study Of The Connection Between College Major, Performance, And Personality Open Access Author: Thomas, Ryan Robert Title: Assessment Centers: A Study Of The Connection Between College Major, Performance, And Personality Area of Honors: Psychology Keywords: assessment centerperformancepersonalitycollege major File: Download Ryan_Thoma_thesis_final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Rick R Jacobs, Thesis SupervisorWilliam Ray, Thesis Honors Advisor
7. “will” Power: Engaging Reluctant 21st Century Readers with Shakespeare Open Access Author: Dodd, Carolyn Christine Title: “will” Power: Engaging Reluctant 21st Century Readers with Shakespeare Area of Honors: Secondary Education Keywords: secondary educationengagementShakespearereluctant readersperformanceintertextuality File: Download CDODDTHESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Jamie Myers, Thesis SupervisorJamie Myers, Thesis Honors AdvisorAngiline Louisa Whitney, Faculty Reader
8. Equity Performance of Spinoffs Open Access Author: Long, Michael Paul Title: Equity Performance of Spinoffs Area of Honors: Finance Keywords: SpinoffsperformancesalesEBIT File: Download Final_Thesis_vf_4.08.2013.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Joseph Randall Woolridge, Thesis SupervisorJames Alan Miles, Thesis Honors Advisor
9. Rape: The Breaking or Strengthening of Women? As Explored Through Literary Heroines Open Access Author: Yacovone, Kara L Title: Rape: The Breaking or Strengthening of Women? As Explored Through Literary Heroines Area of Honors: English Keywords: rapetraumaliterary heroinessense of selfstrengthsurvivalperformancevictim File: Download THESIS.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Jennifer Ann Wagner-Lawlor, Thesis SupervisorLisa Ruth Sternlieb, Thesis Honors Advisor
10. Effect of NutrafitoPlus on the Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broilers fed ABF-NAP Programs with Different Prebiotic/DFM Combinations Open Access Author: Nafziger, Sarah R Title: Effect of NutrafitoPlus on the Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broilers fed ABF-NAP Programs with Different Prebiotic/DFM Combinations Area of Honors: Animal Sciences Keywords: Broilerfeed additiveNutrafitoPlusperformancecarcassammonia emission File: Download Nafziger_Sarah_Effect_of_NutrafitoPlus.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ralph Michael Hulet, Thesis SupervisorChad Daniel Dechow, Thesis Honors Advisor