1. Phenotypic Plasticity of Dispersal Characteristics of the Invasive Thistle Carduus nutans in Response to Mowing and Fertilizer Open Access Author: Saperstein, Jonathan Charles Title: Phenotypic Plasticity of Dispersal Characteristics of the Invasive Thistle Carduus nutans in Response to Mowing and Fertilizer Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Carduus nutansdispersalphenotypic plasticity File: Download Thesis_Draft_-_Final_Version.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Katriona Shea, Thesis SupervisorDr. Bernhard Lüscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Effects of Maternal Stress on Performance Behavior of Lizard Offspring Open Access Author: Heppner, Jennifer Joan Title: Effects of Maternal Stress on Performance Behavior of Lizard Offspring Area of Honors: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: maternal stress effectsmaternally-derived stressprenatal stressphenotypic plasticitydevelopmental plasticityglucocorticoidscorticosteronestress hormonesoffspringeastern fence lizardSceloporus undulatusperformance behaviorfitness-relevant traitslocomotionsprint speedrighting ability File: Download Jennifer_Heppner_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Tracy Lee Langkilde, Thesis SupervisorMargaret C Brittingham, Thesis Honors Advisor