1. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: CREATING AN OCEANOGRAPHIC GOOGLE EARTH TOUR USING SPREADSHEET MAPPER Open Access Author: Hartline, Jonathan D Title: MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE: CREATING AN OCEANOGRAPHIC GOOGLE EARTH TOUR USING SPREADSHEET MAPPER Area of Honors: Elective Area of Honors - Environmental Inquiry (University College) Keywords: physical oceanographyGoogle EarthSpreadsheet MapperKMLenvironmental inquirychoose your own adventure File: Download Jonathan_D_Hartline.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Laura Guertin, Thesis SupervisorLaura Guertin, Thesis SupervisorLaura Guertin, Thesis Honors AdvisorNannette M D'imperio, Faculty Reader
2. Air-Sea Analysis of Marine Heatwaves in the Northeastern Pacific Open Access Author: Kohlman, Catherine Title: Air-Sea Analysis of Marine Heatwaves in the Northeastern Pacific Area of Honors: Meteorology Keywords: marine heatwaveclimate changephysical oceanographyteleconnectionstropical heatingatmospheric anomalieswavetrainssea surface temperaturenortheastern Pacific File: Download Kohlman_Thesis_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sukyoung Lee, Thesis SupervisorRaymond Gabriel Najjar, Jr., Thesis Honors Advisor