1. Optimization of Escherichia Coli Growth Conditions to Maximize Plasmid Yield Open Access Author: McAnulty, Joshua Thomas Title: Optimization of Escherichia Coli Growth Conditions to Maximize Plasmid Yield Area of Honors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Keywords: plasmidplasmid preparationbacterial growthnucleosome File: Download McAnulty_Joshua_Thesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Song Tan, Thesis SupervisorChen Pei David Tu, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. Wendy Hanna-Rose, Faculty Reader
2. Salt-induced Changes in Transmission of Linear, Open-circular and Supercoiled Plasmid DNA Open Access Author: Currie, David P Title: Salt-induced Changes in Transmission of Linear, Open-circular and Supercoiled Plasmid DNA Area of Honors: Chemical Engineering Keywords: ultrafiltrationplasmidDNAtransmissionsaltlinearsupercoiledopen-circular File: Download Thesis_Draft__4-4-15_.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Andrew Zydney, Thesis SupervisorDr. Michael John Janik, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. A CONTROL STUDY USING DNA TO TEST THE EFFECTS OF SHEAR STRESS ON VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR Open Access Author: Jankowska, Maya Ann-Marie Title: A CONTROL STUDY USING DNA TO TEST THE EFFECTS OF SHEAR STRESS ON VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR Area of Honors: Biomedical Engineering Keywords: von willebrand factorvwfoptical trapfluid shearLVADSplasmidfluid mechanicsoptical tweezersshear stressacquired von willebrand syndrome File: Download vWF_Thesis_wTemplate_Maya2.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Keefe B Manning, Thesis SupervisorDr. William O Hancock, Thesis Honors Advisor