1. Use of starch inclusion complexes for improved delivery of dietary polyphenols to the oral cavity by chewing gum Open Access Author: Blair, Debie Wesley Title: Use of starch inclusion complexes for improved delivery of dietary polyphenols to the oral cavity by chewing gum Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: starch inclusion complexespolyphenolsbeta-caroteneoral cancerchewing gum File: Download Debie.Blair.honorsthesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua D Lambert, Thesis SupervisorGregory Ray Ziegler, Thesis SupervisorGregory Ray Ziegler, Thesis Honors AdvisorJoshua D Lambert, Faculty ReaderJohn D Floros, Faculty Reader
2. Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Open Access Author: Sullivan, Valerie Kristan Title: Increasing Mineral Bioavailability in a Vegan Diet Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: veganmineralbioavailabilityironcalciumzincphytateoxalateoxalic acidpolyphenolsphytic acid File: Download THESIS_Submit_Apr19th.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorDorothy Ann Blair, Thesis SupervisorGary J Fosmire, Thesis Honors Advisor
3. The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on the Inhibition of Heme Iron Absorption in Caco-2 Cells Open Access Author: Lindsay, Elizabeth Title: The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on the Inhibition of Heme Iron Absorption in Caco-2 Cells Area of Honors: Nutritional Sciences Keywords: heme ironascorbic acidCaco-2 cellspolyphenolsgrape seed extractEGCG File: Download Honors_Thesis_EAL_FINAL.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Okhee Han, Thesis SupervisorRebecca L Corwin, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. Effect of spices on endothelial function in healthy, overweight men Open Access Author: Ketcham, Amy E Title: Effect of spices on endothelial function in healthy, overweight men Area of Honors: Biobehavioral Health Keywords: endothelial functioncardiovascular disease risk factorsspicespolyphenolsantioxidants File: Download Ketcham_-_Thesis_4-12-2016.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Sheila Grace West, Thesis Supervisor
5. UTILIZING PROTEIN-POLYPHENOL INTERACTIONS TO DEVELOP A GLUTEN-FREE BEER Open Access Author: Aster Broder, Jay Title: UTILIZING PROTEIN-POLYPHENOL INTERACTIONS TO DEVELOP A GLUTEN-FREE BEER Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: food sciencebeerproteinphenolpolyphenolsceliac diseaseglutentannic acid File: Download thesis.JAB_FA17.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Ryan John Elias, Thesis SupervisorJohn E Hayes, Thesis Honors Advisor
6. Effect of Enzyme Treatments on Fermentation and Polyphenol Content in Noiret Hybrid Red Wine Grapes Open Access Author: Detwiler, Madeline Title: Effect of Enzyme Treatments on Fermentation and Polyphenol Content in Noiret Hybrid Red Wine Grapes Area of Honors: Food Science Keywords: hybrid red winewine grapespolyphenolsenzyme extractionpapainpectinasecellulasewinetanninsanthocyanin File: Download Detwiler_Madeline_EFFECT_OF_ENZYME_TREATMENTS_ON_FERMENTATION_AND_POLYPHENOL_CONTENT_IN_NOIRET_HYBRID_RED_WINE_GRAPES.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Joshua D Lambert, Thesis SupervisorJohn Neil Coupland, Thesis Honors Advisor