1. Assessing the Impact of Arctic Glacial History on Walrus Genetic Structure and Diversity Through Time Using Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Open Access Author: Cousar, Michael Christopher Title: Assessing the Impact of Arctic Glacial History on Walrus Genetic Structure and Diversity Through Time Using Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: ancient DNAmitochondrial DNAwalrusphylogenetic analysismolecular biologyglacial historypopulation genetics File: Download Cousar_Honors_Thesis_Final.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Beth Shapiro, Thesis SupervisorDr. Beth Shapiro, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors Advisor
2. Population Structure of the Cold Seep Tubeworm Seepiophila jonesi (polychaeta, Siboglinidae)in the Gulf Of Mexico Open Access Author: Huang, Chunya Title: Population Structure of the Cold Seep Tubeworm Seepiophila jonesi (polychaeta, Siboglinidae)in the Gulf Of Mexico Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: vestimentiferantubewormsGulf of Mexicopopulation geneticspopulation structureSeepiophila jonesimicrosatellites File: Download Huang_finalthesis_032614.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis SupervisorDr. Stephen Wade Schaeffer, Thesis Honors AdvisorDr. James Harold Marden, Faculty Reader
3. THE IMPACT OF ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS S2220 ON MULE DEER ISY1 GENE EXPRESSION Open Access Author: Bogale, Kaleb Tadesse Title: THE IMPACT OF ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS S2220 ON MULE DEER ISY1 GENE EXPRESSION Area of Honors: Biology Keywords: Endogenous retrovirusERVLTRlong terminal repeatsolo LTRsolo long terminal repeatgene expressionmule deerOdocoileus hemionusRNASplicingretroviruspre-mrna splicing geneISY1 geneisy1gene regulationhardy-weinberg equilibriumpopulation geneticsBos taurusdomestic cowOvis arissheep File: Download KalebBogale_ThesisFinal.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Dr. Mary Poss, Thesis SupervisorDr. Bernhard Lüscher, Thesis Honors Advisor
4. QUANTIFYING THE PHENOTYPIC EFFECTS OF GENES, ANCESTRY, AND SEX ON HUMAN SCALP HAIR MORPHOLOGY Open Access Author: Bramel, Emily Eloise Title: QUANTIFYING THE PHENOTYPIC EFFECTS OF GENES, ANCESTRY, AND SEX ON HUMAN SCALP HAIR MORPHOLOGY Area of Honors: Biological Anthropolgy Keywords: hairscalp hairanthropologyhuman geneticspopulation genetics File: Download Bramel_Emily_HairMorphologyThesis.pdf Thesis Supervisors: Mark Shriver, Thesis SupervisorTimothy Michael Ryan, Thesis Honors Advisor